CY的目标是从到处乱跑中寻找生活平衡点,让原本只有一种颜色的生活,变得七彩缤纷。拍摄是她的工作,更像是她的生活记录;文字是她的工具,更像是她的粮食。拍摄与文字,缺一不可,也因为拍摄与文字,造就一个独一无二七彩缤纷的CY世界。CY purpose is to go around the world to find life balance, from a monotone life metamorphose into a life full of colours. Shooting is job and also her life recording. Literal is her tool, and also her provision. Shooting and literal are Indispensable. and because of these indispensable duo, CY's life has become uniquely colourful.