Do you appreciate greenery, sun, sand and the sea? Dream that Club Med Cherating Beach could be your potential local respite from the hectic city life? Love exploring beautiful destinations and enjoy Club Med’s 80 resorts worldwide? Can’t stop sharing about your travel adventures on social media? Want to treat you friends and family to a fabulous holiday?
If you nod your head in agreement to all questions above, you are a perfect candidate for Club Med Cherating Beach Ambassador Search 2015!

How to join?
- Submit your full profile and 1 recent full length photo via email.
- Tell them why you want to be a Club Med Cherating Beach Ambassador in 50 words or less.
- Shortlisted cadidates will be sent to Club Med Cherating Beach for a 4D3N "ECO UNPLUGGED RETREAT". You are allowed to bring 1 parnter (twin sharing basis). You can bring up to 2 additional friends at 50% off normal rate. *Booking terms & conditions apply.
- You Are required to complete the "ECO-UNPLUGGED RETREAT CHALLENGE"
- Upon returning from the retreat, you are required to publish your experience or travelogue on your blogs, Facebook and other applicable social media platforms within 30 days and send the compilation of links to Club Med Malaysia.
- The ultimate winner will be awarded the grand title of Club Med Cherating Beach Ambassador 2015 determined by the best and most creative blog and social media posts based on the judges' final decision.
For more information, visit Club Med Ambassador Search Website here.