Matsu Island is a remote area in Taiwan with fewer visitors but they do provide a good range of places to stay, eat and things to buy. They are also known to be a pretty welcoming place that you can kick back and relax.
When visiting Matsu, the homestays are the ones to experience. They have a number of old traditional stone style residences converted into a modern interior, family run homestays B&B. Here are two choices.
Happy Inn (東莒幸福居民宿)
Add: No. 106-1, Daping Village (Dapu), Dongju, Juguang Township, Lianchiang County (連江縣莒光鄉東莒大坪村(大埔)106-1號)
Tel: -886-926-812-841/+886836-89-021
Website: (Chinese)
Dongyin Haijiao (東引海角民宿)
Add: No. 137, Zhongliao Village, Dongyin, Lianchiang County (連江縣東引中柳村137號)
Tel: +886-928-267-242/+886836-76-268
Website: (Chinese)
In Matsu, they follow the East Fujian culinary traditions. The island is also unique for its seafood and the best place to try is Dongyin’s Zhen Shan Mei restaurant, they are known for their Buddha Hand and Matsu Hamburger dishes.
Another eatery would be Dongju’s Feng Shulin Xiaochi (Maple Grove Eatery) in Daping Village. It’s recommended to try the Hongzao fried rice and the Hongzao fried pork as they are absolutely delicious.
Just along the street, you’ll find Drink-Bar cafe where everyone tries the herbal-jelly milk drink (xiancoa naidong).
Zhen Shan Mei (珍膳美餐廳)
Add: No. 93, Lehua Village, Dongyin, Lianchiang County (連江縣東引樂華村93號) | Tel: +886-836-77-289
Feng Shulin Xiaochi (楓樹林小吃)
Add: No. 23, Daping Village, Dongju, Lianchiang County (連江縣東莒大坪村23號) | Tel: +886-836-89-137
Drink-Bar (找茶仙草奶凍)
Add: No. 30, Daping Village, Dongju, Lianchiang County (連江縣東莒大坪村30號) | Tel: +886-836-88-009/+886-919-919-118
Snack treats and local spirits are usually the way to go. Never leave without buying some Matsu Crunch [馬祖酥] and their Turnip Puffs. As for local spirits, go for gaoliang (sorghum) liquor [高梁酒] and laojiu [老酒].
Get them at the Taiwan Tourism Bureau’s island visitor centers, Nangan Visitor Center boutique, or Dongju Community Development Association retail outlet.
For more information, visit
(Content and images source: Travel in Taiwan)