6天5夜 - 重庆&武隆&大足宝顶石刻深度游(独立成团)

Valid for daily arrival at Chongqing International Airport. 

Private Service.

2 To Go Ground Package (minimum 2 adults per booking).

4 To Go Ground Package (minimum 4 adults per booking).

6 To Go Ground Package (minimum 6 adults per booking).

If 8 persons & above please refer us!

Chongqing (Arrival)

Upon arrival Chongqing International Airport, pick-up by Driver Guide and transfer to Hotel.
Free and own leisure.

*Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Chongqing: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon. 
Standard Local 4* hotel : Chongqing Word Hotel or Kaiyuan Mingting Hotel or similar
Standard Local 5* hotel : Le Meridien Chongqing Nan'an or Glenview ITC plaza Chongqing or Wanyao Hotel or similar

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Own Expenses
Hotel In Chongqing
Chongqing - Wulong (by coach estimate 3.5 hr )

Breakfast serve at hotel, today activities includes:

Wulong-Located at the southeast of Chongqing, 139km from the city center, Wulong County is featured in south China karst landscape.  Wulong is known by most domestic tourists for Curse of the Golden Flower, a well-known movie directed by famous Chinese director Zhang Yimou.

Tian Sheng Three Bridges (includes battery car) - It consists of three natural stone arch bridges: Tianlong Bridge, Qinglong Bridge, and Heilong Bridge. The three stone bridges connect the mountains on both sides of the canyon, forming a unique landscape of "three bridges sandwiched between two pits". The pit sandwiched between the stone bridges is also called a "tiankeng".

Longshui Gorge Seam - It is an important part of the "Wulong Karst" World Natural Heritage Site. It is located in Xiannvshan Town, Wulong District, 15 kilometers away from the urban area. The ground crack was formed by the orogenic movement tens of millions of years ago and is a typical karst landform. The canyon is 5 kilometers long, the tour distance is about 2 kilometers, and the valley is 200-500 meters deep. It is large in scale and magnificent.

*Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Wulong: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon. 
Standard Local 5*hotel :Fengcaodi Hotel or similar

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast :hotel, Lunch & Dinner : Own expenses
Hotel In Wulong
Wulong - Chongqing (by coach around 3.5 hr )

Breakfast serve at hotel, today activities includes:

Fairy Mountain (includes mini train)- It is a national forest park and a national AAAAA-level scenic spot. It covers an area of ​​100 square kilometers, with an altitude of 1650-2033 meters and an annual average temperature of 11.2℃. It is known as the "Southern Pastoral Plain", "Oriental Switzerland" and "The Garden of Eden on Earth". The scenic area has magnificent and extraordinary scenery such as forests, peaks, grasslands, and snowfields.

Transfer back to Chongqing City.

Ciqikou Ancient Town - Originally named Longyin Town, it is located on the banks of the Jialing River in Shapingba District, Chongqing, and is a national AAAA-level scenic area. The ancient town was first built during the Song Dynasty and, due to its unique geographical conditions, once served as an important water and land terminal. The town features mountains and water, fresh air, lush green trees, and a peaceful and comfortable lifestyle, preserving the traditional local ethnic lifestyle of China.

Hongya Cave Scenic Area(Night view) - Originally named Hongya Gate, it was one of the ancient gates of Chongqing. The folk custom area is famous for its nighttime scenery, where the entire stilted building complex is illuminated with golden lights at night, making it quite dazzling. As a result, it has become a popular tourist attraction and photography spot. The itinerary includes visiting the scenic area and taking photos from the outside.

*Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Chongqing: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon. 
Standard Local 4* hotel : Chongqing Word Hotel or Kaiyuan Mingting Hotel or similar
Standard Local 5* hotel : Le Meridien Chongqing Nan'an or Glenview ITC plaza Chongqing or Wanyao Hotel or similar

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast :hotel, Lunch & Dinner : Own expenses
Hotel In Chongqing

Breakfast serve at hotel, today activities includes:

The Dazu Rock Carvings (includes eco-car) - It is a series of Chinese religious sculptures and carvings and UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Dazu District, Chongqing, China. The carvings date back as far as the 7th century AD, depicting and influencedby Buddhist, Confucian and Taoist beliefs. Some are in rock-cut cave shrines, in the usual Chinese Buddhist style, but many others are rock reliefs carved into the open rock faces. 

Liziba Monorail Station Viewing Platform - The Liziba Station on Chongqing Rail Transit Line 2 is the first domestic straddle-type monorail elevated station integrated with a commercial and residential building. Built in March 2004, the station is located on the 8th floor of a commercial and residential building by the Jialing River. The sight of the monorail passing through the building has made it a "viral station."

Kuixinglou - It also known as Kuixing Pavilion, was built for the god Kuixing who dominated the rise and fall of articles in the minds of Confucian scholars. Kuixing has the supreme status. In ancient times, there were Kuixinglou all over the place, and scholars worshiped Kuixing in Kuixinglou and prayed to be famous in the imperial examinations.

Standard Local 4* hotel : Chongqing Word Hotel or Kaiyuan Mingting Hotel or similar
Standard Local 5* hotel : Le Meridien Chongqing Nan'an or Glenview ITC plaza Chongqing or Wanyao Hotel or similar

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast :hotel, Lunch & Dinner : Own expenses
Hotel In Chongqing

Breakfast serve at hotel and today activities includes:

Yangtze River Cableway (includes one-way ticket, scenic view of the river) - This is the first large passenger cableway across the Yangtze River independently designed and manufactured in China. It was built to alleviate the difficulty of commuting for citizens and is a unique urban transportation method in the mountain city.

Tongyuan Gate - One of the 17 gates of Chongqing City. It was first built in the late Southern Song Dynasty and is the only land passage in Chongqing City. Qixinggang outside the gate used to be a mass grave. Now Tongyuan Gate has been converted into a heritage park. A group of statues has been built on the upper and lower walls of the city wall, recreating the fierce battles between the attacking and defending armies in ancient wars.

Shangcheng Lane - It is one of the more representative sections of Chongqing Mountain City Trail. It has now been developed into the Shancheng Lane Traditional Style Area. It is a historical lane in Yuzhong District, Chongqing, located in the Liangtingzi Community of Nanjimen Street.

Xiahaoli Old Street - It is located in Nan'an District, Chongqing, close to Nanbin Road. It is a street block on a slope close to the Dongshuimen Yangtze River Bridge. The main streets include Xiahaozheng Street, Dongjiaqiao, Juelinsi Street, and Grapeyard.

Standard Local 4* hotel : Chongqing Word Hotel or Kaiyuan Mingting Hotel or similar
Standard Local 5* hotel : Le Meridien Chongqing Nan'an or Glenview ITC plaza Chongqing or Wanyao Hotel or similar

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast :hotel, Lunch & Dinner : Own expenses
Hotel In Chongqing
Chongqing (Departure)

After breakfast at own leisure until time transfer to Chongqing International Airport for flight departure.

Hotel standard check out time before 12noon.

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast :hotel
重庆 (抵达)



Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 膳食自理
Hotel : 重庆
重庆 - 武隆(车程约3.5小时)


武隆 - 位于重庆市东南部,距市中心139公里,具有华南喀斯特地貌景观。 武隆因中国著名导演张艺谋执导的著名电影《满城尽带黄金甲》而被国内游客所熟知。

天生三桥(含电瓶车)- 由天龙桥、青龙桥、黑龙桥三座天然石拱桥组成。三座桥横跨阳水河峡谷,石桥跨度与峡谷底部距离均在百米以上。三座石桥将峡谷两岸山体连接起来,形成“三桥夹两坑”的独特景观。石桥中间夹着的坑又叫“天坑”。

龙水峡地缝 - 它是“武隆喀斯特”世界自然遗产地的重要组成部分,位于武隆区仙女山镇境内,距城区15公里。 该地缝是几千万年前造山运动而形成,属典型的喀斯特地貌景观。 峡谷长5公里,游程约2公里,谷深200—500米,规模宏大,气势磅礴。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐:酒店内,午餐&晚餐:自理
Hotel : 武隆
武隆 - 重庆 (车程约3.5小时)


仙女山 (含小火车) - 它是国家森林公园、国家AAAAA级景区。占地面积100平方公里,海拔1650-2033米,年平均气温11.2℃,素有“南国牧原”、“东方瑞士”和“落在凡间的伊甸园”之美誉。景区拥有林海、奇峰、草场、雪原等壮丽非凡景致。


磁器口古镇 - 原名龙隐镇,位于重庆沙坪坝区嘉陵江畔,是国家AAAA级景区。. 古镇始建于宋朝,由于独特的地理条件,曾经是重要的水陆码头。古镇有山有水,空气清新,绿树成荫,民众生活安宁舒适,保留了中国地方民族生活风貌。

洪崖洞风景区(夜景) - 原名洪崖门,是古重庆城门之一,民俗风貌区因其夜间景观而著名,整个吊脚楼建筑群的轮廓在夜间全部以金色灯光点亮,颇为耀眼,因而成为热门的旅游景点及摄影对象 。进景区游玩+外观拍照打卡。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐:酒店内,午餐&晚餐:自理
Hotel : 重庆


大足宝顶石刻(含环保车) - 这是一系列中国宗教雕塑和雕刻,位于中国重庆大足区,被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。这些雕刻可追溯到公元 7 世纪,描绘了佛教、儒教和道教信仰,并受到其影响。有些是凿在岩石上的洞穴神殿,采用常见的中国佛教风格,但其他许多是雕刻在裸露岩面上的岩石浮雕。

李子坝轻轨站观景平台(网红打卡)- 重庆轨道交通2号线李子坝轻轨站是国内第一座与商住楼共建共存的跨座式单轨高架站,于2004年3月建成。该站位于嘉陵江畔一栋商住楼的8楼,因轻轨穿楼而过成为“网红车站”。

魁星楼 - 又名魁星阁,是为儒家士人心目中主宰文章兴衰的魁星神而建。魁星具有至高无上的地位。古代各地都有魁星楼,读书人都到魁星楼祭拜魁星,祈求在科举考试中名垂青史。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐:酒店内,午餐&晚餐:自理
Hotel : 重庆


长江索道含单程票,观山城江景)- 它是中国自行设计制造的第一条大型跨越长江的客运索道,以缓解市民“出行难”,是山城独有的城市交通。

通远门 - 它是重庆城十七座城门之一,最早建于南宋末年,是重庆城唯一的陆路通道,门外的七星岗过去是一片乱坟岗。现在通远门改建成了遗址公园,在城墙上下修筑了一座雕像群,还原了古代战争攻城军队与守城军队的激烈争斗的情景。

山城巷 - 它属于重庆山城步道其中比较有代表性的一段,现已开发成山城巷传统风貌区,是重庆市渝中区的一条历史街巷,位于南纪门街道凉亭子社区。

下浩里老街 - 它位于重庆南岸区,临近南滨路,紧靠东水门长江大桥的一个斜坡上的街区,主要有下浩正街、董家桥、觉林寺街、葡萄园等街道。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐:酒店内,午餐&晚餐:自理
Hotel : 重庆
重庆 (出境)



Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐:酒店内
Print Trip Details
Trip Inclusive
  • 05 nights' hotel accommodation : Chongqing (04), Wulong (01)
  • Daily breakfasts at hotel
  • Private Service (Except cruise, flight, train or sightseeing public coach if any involved)
  • 05 full day sightseeing with entrance fee
  • Chinese speaking or English speaking driver cum guide service with simple commentary
  • Round trip private airport-hotel transfer
  • For extension night, kindly check with us
Trip Exclude
  • International/ Domestic air ticket
  • Hotel porter tipping, Individual expenses and Travel Insurance
  • China Visa and Service Fee
  • Meal fee in whole trip
Trip Mandatory
Agency Collection Fee 30.00 30.00
Tipping for driver & guide 274.60 274.60
General Terms
  • Rates quoted based on dynamic pricing and are subject to change without prior notice and/or upon confirmation.
  • No refunds are given for any unused portion of this package or during tour.
  • An infant is not charged; hence no seat/ no bed is allocated to infants. Child rate applies if a seat is required for airport transfer. Additional rate applies for hotel baby cot request.
  • Child rates based on 2-11 years old.
  • The above itinerary is for reference only and visiting sequences may be different, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirements.
  • In exceptional circumstances, we reserve the right to make changes to the itinerary in order to ensure the successful completion of the group tour.
  • The tour fee excludes costs from unforeseen events like strikes or extreme weather causing itinerary changes or cancellations.
  • 12fly of Malaysian Harmony shall not be liable for any loses or expenses incurred due to delay, sickness, weather, strikes or any other causes beyond its control, such losses and expenses shall be borne by the clients.
  • Others 12fly terms & conditions applies.
Payment Terms
  • Deposit for this package is minimum MYR 1500 per person
Package Remarks
  • General travel period: 15 October 2024 until 31 July 2025 (Travel must be completed by 31 July 2025)
  • Red Alert Period: China Major Public or Long Holidays and others if grand exhibitions or events
  • Suggestion flight route: Kuala Lumpur - Chongqing (CKG) - Kuala Lumpur
  • The above rates require a minimum of 02 adults per booking, strictly no apply for single traveler.
  • The above rates are valid for Malaysian passport; surcharge might apply for foreigner passport, subject to individual hotel surcharge
  • Advance booking required at least 30 working days before departure
  • Each touring day is max 10 hours long.
  • Package is based on English/Mandarin speaking driver cum guide + Self-guided tour, which does not include Tour guides and scenic spot interpretation services.

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