9天8夜 - 昆明 & 大丽 & 香格里拉 &丽江 & 泸沽湖民族风情(随团游)
DH_9D8NYDL 9D8N KUNMING, YUNNAN 01 JUN 2024 - 31 MAR 2025

Tour available on selected Thursday only.

Seat In Coach Service (Share Service).

2 To Go Ground Package (minimum 2 adults per booking).

Kunming (Arrival )

Upon arrival Kunming Changsui International Airport, pick-up by driver and transfer to hotel for check in. Free at own leisure.

Airport pick-up counter: Counter 4 on the left hand side of Exit 1 of International Arrivals

Hotel standard check in time by 2pm - 3pm.

Flight Arrival airport transfer applies for selected time only: 0601AM - 2359PM. Beyond these timeframe, additional charges apply.
Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Own Expenses
Hotel Kunming Long Way Hotel or similar standard
Kunming - Dali ( Est 340 KM )

Breakfast serve at hotel,today activities includes:

Dianchi Dam - a good choice for watching seagulls in Kunming.(Mid to late November - February of the following year to see seagulls).

Dali "Santorini" (Included High tea) - Also known as China's Santorini. White buildings, fairy-tale-like scenery, have become popular tourist attractions and wedding photography destinations.

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast :hotel, Lunch & Dinner : Local restaurant
Hotel Dali Tang Zhonghefang Hotel or similar standard
Dali - Shangri la ( Est 382 KM )

Breakfast serve at hotel,today activities includes:

Dali Ancient City - The streets of Dali Ancient Town run horizontally, with blue tile roofs and slate roads, presenting an elegant and quaint atmosphere rich in history. After restoration, it has regained its ancient appearance, preserving a complete cluster of Bai ethnic residential buildings.

Tiger Leaping Gorge - A vast canyon between Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Haba Snow Mountain, spanning over 20 kilometers with a height difference of 3900 meters. It's named for a legendary tiger's leap across its narrowest point, which is just over 50 meters wide. The gorge is divided into Upper, Middle, and Lower sections, along with a hiking trail, and is one of China's deepest canyons.

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast :hotel, Lunch & Dinner : Local restaurant
Hotel Tanshan Hotel or similar standard
Shangri la - Lijiang ( Est 190 KM )

Breakfast serve at hotel,today activities includes:

Songzanlin Monastery - The largest Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Yunnan Province, renowned as one of the prominent monasteries in the Kang region. It also serves as a key center for the Yellow Sect of Tibetan Buddhism in the Sichuan-Yunnan area, holding significant importance throughout the Tibetan region and earning the nickname "Little Potala Palace." Nestled against the mountains, its fortress-like structure showcases the pinnacle of Tibetan architectural artistry, often referred to as a "Tibetan Art Museum." With its magnificent golden buildings, it stands as one of the most sacred places in Yunnan.

Dukezong Ancient Town - The best-preserved and largest Tibetan residential area in China. It is a historic town on the ancient tea-horse road and the modern-day Yunnan-Tibet Highway, a crucial town in Yunnan Province's historical and cultural heritage. It has served as a gateway for cultural exchange between the Tibetan region and Yunnan, linking trade and commerce in the Sichuan-Tibetan-Yunnan region.


Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast :hotel, Lunch & Dinner : Local restaurant
Hotel Xianghe No.1 Holiday Hotel or similar standard

Breakfast serve at hotel and today activities includes:

Wetland Park - It is the first nature reserve named after "wetland" in Yunnan Province. "Lashi" is the ancient Naxi translation, "La" means barren dam, and "Shi" means new, which means new barren dam. 

Lijiang Old Town - Was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. It harmoniously integrates economic significance with rugged terrain, authentically preserving its quaint charm. Its architecture and layout showcase cultural diversity, garnering global recognition.

Black Dragon Pool - Also known as Yuquan Park and formerly Yuquan Dragon King Temple, was built in 1737 during the Qianlong era. Renovations occurred in later years. Situated at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain, north of Lijiang Old Town, it sits at an elevation of 2500 meters. The pool, famous both domestically and internationally, is reached by following the Yu River upstream for about a kilometer.

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast :hotel, Lunch & Dinner : Local restaurant
Hotel Xianghe No.1 Holiday Hotel or similar standard
Lijiang - Lugu Lake ( Est 210 KM )

Breakfast serve at hotel and today activities includes:

Lugu Lake - Enjoy a panoramic view of Lugu Lake from the scenic platform. Surrounding the Lugu Lake tourist area are towering mountains and steep ridges, with a snow period of over three months each year. Abundant forest resources, pristine mountains and waters, fresh air, and enchanting scenery make Lugu Lake revered by the local Mosuo people as the "Mother Lake" and acclaimed by others as a "Penglai Wonderland."

Visit a Mosuo house to experience the most primitive lifestyle and culture of the Mosuo people. Join a bonfire party after dinner.

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast :hotel, Lunch & Dinner : Local restaurant
Hotel Purmei Lugu lake hotel or similar standard
Lugu Lake - Lijiang ( Est 210 KM )

Breakfast serve at hotel and today activities includes:

Take a ride on a traditional Mosuo pig trough boat to reach Liwubi Island.The pig trough boat is a canoe. It is called "Rigu" in Mosuo language. It is made of a thick log with two ends cut into points. It is named because it looks like a long pig trough. Liwubi Island is located in the central-southern part of Lugu Lake, dividing the lake into two along with the Tubu Peninsula, and facing Snake Island to the northwest. It takes about half an hour from Luoshui Village to reach the island. One side of the island is lined with natural limestone pillars, forming a natural pier, and a winding path leads directly to the top of the island, bordered by many azalea bushes and wild cherry trees. At the end of the flower bushes lies the Tibetan Buddhist temple, Liwubi Monastery, with a white stupa at the island's peak. Liwubi Island, along with Xiaoweowo Island and Lige Island, are collectively known as the "Penglai Three Islands" of Lugu Lake.

Afterwards, return back to Lijiang.

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast :hotel, Lunch & Dinner : Local restaurant
Hotel Xianghe No.1 Holiday Hotel or similar standard
Lijiang - Kunming ( Est 505 KM )

Breakfast serve at hotel and today activities includes:

The Flower Market - Kunming Flower Market has now developed into the largest fresh cut flower trading market in Asia and is a famous flower city.

Back to hotel and rest.

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast :hotel, Lunch & Dinner : Local restaurant
Kunming (Departure )

After breakfast, transfer to Changshui International Airport (KMG) to conclude the pleasant trip. 

Flight Departure airport transfer applies for selected time only: 0800AM - 12.00PM. Beyond these timeframe, additional charges apply.
Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast : Hotel
昆明 ( 抵达 )




Flight : 免费接机时段只限:0601AM - 2359PM。若在免费接机时段以外的时间,需额外补贴包车费用。
Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 膳食自理
Hotel : 朗威酒店或同等级
昆明 - 大理 (大约340KM)


滇池大坝 - 昆明看海鸥的一个不错选择。(11月中下旬-次年2月可观海鸥)

大理理想邦 (含下午茶)- 中国的圣托里尼。白色建筑,童话般美景,成为网红打卡地和婚纱摄影胜地。

Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐:酒店内,午餐&晚餐:餐厅
Hotel : 大理唐.中和坊酒店或同等级
大理 - 香格里拉 ( 大约382 KM )


大理古城 (不含电瓶车) - 街道横贯,青瓦屋面、石板路,典雅古朴,历史氛围浓厚。修复后恢复古貌,保留完整的白族民居建筑群。

虎跳峡 - 是从丽江玉龙雪山和香格里拉哈巴雪山之间穿过的一条巨大的峡谷。峡谷全长20余公里,峡口海拔1800米,海拔高差3900米。受两岸高山的紧紧束缚,江流入峡后宽仅50多米,最窄处虎豹一跃即过,故名虎跳峡。虎跳峡由上、中、下虎跳峡及高路徒步线组成,是中国最深的峡谷之一。

Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐:酒店内,午餐&晚餐:餐厅
Hotel : 香格里拉唐香嘉秀大酒店或同等级
香格里拉 - 丽江 ( 大约190 KM)


松赞林寺 (含环保车)- 云南省规模最大的藏传佛教寺院,也是康区有名的大寺院之一,还是川滇一带的黄教中心,在整个藏区都有着举足轻重的地位,被誉为“小布达拉宫”。该寺依山而建,外形犹如一座古堡,集藏族造型艺术之大成,又有“藏族艺术博物馆”之称。寺院建筑金碧辉煌,可以说是云南最神圣的地方。

独克宗古城 - 中国保存得最好、最大的藏民居群。是历史上的滇藏茶马古道及今天滇藏公路的必经重镇,云南省历史文化名城。这里曾作为雪域藏乡和滇域民族文化交流的窗口,连系着川藏滇地区经贸往来。 


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐:酒店内,午餐&晚餐:餐厅
Hotel : 丽江祥和一号假日酒店或同等级


拉市海湿地公园 - 是云南省第一个以“湿地”命名的自然保护区。“拉市”为古纳西语译名,“拉”为荒坝,“市”为新,意为新的荒坝。

丽江古城 - 1997年被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产,古城丽江把经济和战略重地与崎岖的地势巧妙地融合在一起,真实、完美地保存和再现了古朴的风貌。古城的建筑及城市肌理融会了各个民族的文化特色而声名远扬。

黑龙潭 - 又名玉泉公园、旧名玉泉龙王庙 ,始建于乾隆二年(1737),其后乾隆六十年、光绪十八年均有重修记载,因获清朝嘉庆、光绪两朝皇帝敕封“龙神”而得名。黑龙潭位于城北象山脚下,海拔2500米,从丽江古城四方街沿经纬纵横的玉河溯流而上,约行一公里有一处晶莹清澈的泉潭,即为中外闻名的黑龙潭。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐:酒店内,午餐&晚餐:餐厅
Hotel : 丽江祥和一号假日酒店或同等级
丽江 - 泸沽湖 ( 大约210 KM)


泸沽湖 - 景台赏泸沽湖全景,泸沽湖旅游景区四周崇山峻岭,一年有三个月以上的积雪期。森林资源丰富,山清水秀,空气清新,景色迷人,泸沽湖被当地摩梭人奉为“母亲湖”。也被人们誉为“蓬莱仙境”。

参观摩梭家访带你感受摩梭族人最原始的生活及文化, 晚餐后参加篝火晚会。

Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐:酒店内,午餐&晚餐:餐厅
Hotel : 璞山云美女儿国度假酒店或同等级
泸沽湖-丽江 ( 大约210 KM)


乘坐摩梭猪槽船登里务比岛。猪槽船由一根粗壮的镂空圆木,两头削尖制成,因其看起来像一只长长的猪槽而得名。里务比岛位于泸沽湖的中南部,与 吐布半岛将泸沽湖一分为二,西北与蛇岛相望。从落水村到该岛大约半小时。岛屿的一侧为 石笋,成为天然的码头,一条蜿蜒的小道直接通往岛屿的 顶部,道路旁边有许多杜鹃花以及野樱桃树。花丛的 尽头为 藏传佛教寺院里务比寺,岛顶有一 白塔。 里务比岛与谢瓦俄岛,里格岛并称为泸沽湖蓬莱三岛。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐:酒店内,午餐&晚餐:餐厅
Hotel : 丽江祥和一号假日酒店或同等级
丽江 - 昆明 ( 大约505 KM)


 鲜花市场 - 昆明斗南花卉市场,现已发展成为亚洲最大的鲜切花交易市场,是著名的花都。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐:酒店内,午餐&晚餐:餐厅
昆明 (出境)


Flight : 免费送机时段只限:0800AM - 12.00PM。若在免费接机时段以外的时间,需额外补贴包车费用
Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐:酒店
Print Trip Details
Trip Inclusive
  • 08 nights' hotel accommodation : Kunming (02), Dali (01), Lijiang (03), Shangri - La (01) & Lugu Lake (1N)
  • Daily breakfasts at hotel, 07 lunches & 07 dinners , 01 high tea
  • Seat In Coach Service (Share Service)
  • 07 full day sightseeing with entrance fee
  • Mandarin speaking Tour Guide and separate Driver service
Trip Exclude
  • International and/or Domestic air ticket
  • Hotel porter tipping, Individual expenses and Travel Insurance
  • China Visa and Service Fee
  • Extra cost for early morning arrival & midnight departure airport transfer.
Trip Mandatory
Agency Collection Fee 30.00 30.00
Tipping for driver & guide 395.00 395.00
Optional Addon
Add on: Pre-tour arrival transfer from Kunming airport to hotel (minimum 2 person per booking) Per Person 210.00 -
Add on: Post-tour departure transfer from Kunming hotel to airport (minimum 2 person per booking) Per Person 210.00 -
General Terms
  • Rates quoted based on dynamic pricing and are subject to change without prior notice and/or upon confirmation.
  • No refunds are given for any unused portion of this package or during tour.
  • An infant is not charged; hence no seat/ no bed is allocated to infants. Child rate applies if a seat is required for airport transfer. Additional rate applies for hotel baby cot request.
  • Package tour seat are subject to availability.
  • The above itinerary is for reference only and visiting sequences may be different, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirements.
  • In exceptional circumstances, we reserve the right to make changes to the itinerary in order to ensure the successful completion of the group tour.
  • The tour fee excludes costs from unforeseen events like strikes or extreme weather causing itinerary changes or cancellations.
  • 12fly of Malaysian Harmony shall not be liable for any loses or expenses incurred due to delay, sickness, weather, strikes or any other causes beyond its control, such losses and expenses shall be borne by the clients.
  • Others 12fly terms & conditions applies.
Payment Terms
  • Deposit for this package is minimum MYR 1500 per person
Package Remarks
  • General travel period: June 2024 until March 2025 (Selected Thursday only)
  • Red Alert Period: China Major Public or Long Holidays and others if grand exhibitions or events
  • Suggestion flight route: Kuala Lumpur - Kunming (KMG) - Kuala Lumpur
  • The above rates require a minimum of 02 adults per booking, strictly no apply for single traveler.
  • The above rates are valid for Malaysian passport; surcharge might apply for foreigner passport, subject to individual hotel surcharge
  • Advance booking required at least 30 working days before departure

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