6天5晚 东京&富士山&富士河口湖町景点&横滨市
JB_JHND-02 6D5N TOKYO, HONSHU 01 AUG 2024 - 31 AUG 2025

Valid for daily arrival at  Haneda Airport Tokyo

Private Service. 

4-9 To Go Ground Package (minimum 4 person per booking)

Haneda Airport (Arrival )- Tokyo

Arrival Tokyo Haneda International Airport, our local representative will meet you at pick up point transfer to tokyo city hotel .

*Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Japan: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon. 
Standard Hotel Local 3*: Sotetsu Fresa inn Hotel
Standard Hotel Local 4*: Shinjuku Granbell Hotel or similar category
Standard Hotel Local 5*: Tokyo Dome Hotel or similar category

Remark: If in / out from Narita Airport surcharge RM 100 / Pax / way.

Flight Arrival airport transfer applies for selected time only: 0601AM - 2359PM. Beyond these timeframe, additional charges apply. You may also arrange your own airport transfer.
Transfer Travel by private coach (max 9 persons per van)
Hotel Hotel in Tokyo
Full Day Tokyo City Tour

Join full day city tour in Tokyo.

Tsukiji fish market : It is a lively place with seafood shops, restaurants, and cafes.

The Imperial Palace East Gardens : Where their Majesties the Emperor and Empress reside. It is a classic cherry blossom viewing spot in spring.

Asakusa Kannon Temple : A temple town and home of the famous a popular visiting place during holidays and festivals. You will find many small stands selling snack foods, traditional gifts, and souvenirs along the Nakamise-dori lining the path to this temple founded in the 7th century.

Nakamise Avenue : Is a 300m approach to Sensoji Temple, is one of the oldest shopping streets in Japan. The arcade dates from the late 17th century, when local people were granted the special right to open shops along the approach to the temple

Shinjuku :  Do your last min. shopping here! And, you may visit the famous entertainment Kabuki-cho area.

Ueno Park (Special arrange during Sakura /Maple Season)

Transfer Travel by private coach (max 9 persons per van)
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Hotel in Tokyo
Tokyo - Mount Fuji

From Tokyo to Mount Fuji takes around 2.5 hours by car.

Mount Fuji 5th station :  It serves as the starting point for climbing Mount Fuji. Here, you can enjoy panoramic views of Mount Fuji and the surrounding natural beauty.

Lake Ashi (Ashinoko) :  Lake Ashi, also known as Ashinoko, offers scenic boat rides that allow visitors to enjoy the beautiful surroundings, including views of Mount Fuji. (included boat ride ) 

Onshihakone park : located in the Hakone area of Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, is a beautiful park. It features expansive lawns, gardens, and lakes, providing pleasant walking and picnic spots. Visitors can enjoy magnificent mountain views and glimpses of Mount Fuji within the park, as well as explore historical buildings and cultural sites .

Onsen hot spring : Stay at a hot spring hotel near Mount Fuji to indulge in the rejuvenating hot springs while enjoying the breathtaking views of Mount Fuji.

*Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Japan: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon. 
Standard Hotel Local 3*: Fujisan Station Hotel
Standard Hotel Local 4*: Hotel Mystays Fuji Onsen
Standard Hotel Local 5*: Highland Resort Hotel & Spa



Transfer Travel by private coach (max 9 persons per van)
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Hotel in Mount Fuji
Mount Fuji - Tokyo

Yokohama Chinatown Yokohama Chinatown  : Explore the vibrant and bustling Chinatown in Yokohama. Enjoy a variety of Chinese cuisine, shop for souvenirs, and immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere.

Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse : Visit the historic Red Brick Warehouse in Yokohama, which has been transformed into a trendy shopping and cultural district. Discover unique shops, dine at restaurants, and enjoy the waterfront views.

Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum If you're interested in the history of instant noodles, visit the Ramen Museum in Yokohama. Learn about the invention of instant noodles and even create your own customized Ramen .

Tokyo Tower (outlook) : Tokyo Tower is an iconic landmark in Tokyo, Japan. It's a communication tower inspired by the Eiffel Tower and offers stunning views of the city. It has observation decks, shops, and restaurants for visitors to enjoy.

*Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Japan: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon. 
Standard Hotel Local 3*: Sotetsu Fresa inn Hotel
Standard Hotel Local 4*: Shinjuku Granbell Hotel or similar category
Standard Hotel Local 5*: Tokyo Dome Hotel or similar category

Transfer Travel by private coach (max 9 persons per van)
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Hotel in Tokyo
Tokyo - Free & Easy

Free and easy day, You may eplore the city by your own.

Meals Breakfast
Hotel Hotel in Tokyo
Tokyo - Haneda Airport (Departure)

You are free to explore the city until the meeting time to transfer to the airport.

Hotel check out time is 11:00a.m

RemarkIf in / out from Narita Airport surcharge RM 100 / Pax / way.

Enjoy your flight back home. 

Flight Arrival airport transfer applies for selected time only: 0601AM - 2359PM. Beyond these timeframe, additional charges apply. You may also arrange your own airport transfer.
Transfer Travel by private coach (max 9 persons per van)
Meals Breakfast


日本标准酒店3*: Sotetsu Fresa Inn 酒店
日本标准酒店4*: Shinjuku Granbell 酒店或同级
日本标准酒店5*: Tokyo Dome 酒店或同级


Flight : 免费接机时段只限:0601AM - 2359PM。若在免费接机时段以外的时间,请自行安排交通或额外补贴包车费用前往酒店。
Transfer : 乘搭旅游专车接送(最多容纳9人)
Hotel : 东京的酒店


筑地市场 : 人聲鼎沸的場所,有販售海鮮的批發店和零售店,以及休閒餐廳與咖啡館。 

皇居东花园 : 这里也是春季著名的 赏樱胜地之一

浅草观音寺 : 一路上在观音庙的两旁您可看到各种带有文化风 采的礼品档口售买礼品。

仲见世商店街 : 仲见世商店街是日本最古老的商店街之一,可以追溯到17 世纪,长约250公尺的商店街,散步其中有着浓浓江户风情,在90家店铺中有哪些不可错过的美食、伴手礼

新宿 : 是日本最著名的繁华商业区, 也是亚洲最大等级的欢 乐街-歌舞伎町。享受欢乐购物游!东京代表性 的繁华商圈,时尚杂志 的街拍地,围观街 头的乐队表演。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游专车接送(最多容纳9人)
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 东京的酒店
东京 - 富士山


富士山五合目站观美景 : 这是登山富士山的起点,您可以在这里欣赏到壮观的富士山全景,并享受周围的自然美景。

芦之湖: 芦之湖(Ashinoko),又称为Ashinoko,提供风景如画的船舶游览,让游客可以欣赏到美丽的周边环境,包括富士山的景色。(包括船票 ) 

箱根恩赐公园 :  位于日本神奈川县箱根地区,是一个美丽的公园。公园拥有广阔的草坪、花园和湖泊,提供了宜人的散步和野餐场所。您可以在公园内欣赏到壮丽的山脉和富士山的景色,同时还有历史建筑和文化遗址可供探索。

入住温泉酒店 : 入住富士山的温泉饭店,以在享受温泉水的保养同时欣赏富士山的美景。

日本标准酒店3*: Fujisan Station 酒店
日本标准酒店4*: Mystays Fuji Onsen 酒店
日本标准酒店5*: Highland Resort & Spa 酒店

Transfer : 乘搭旅游专车接送(最多容纳9人)
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 富士山的酒店
富士山 - 东京


横滨唐人街 :  位于日本横滨市,是亚洲最大的唐人街之一。这里有许多中餐馆、小吃摊和商店,提供美食和购物体验,同时展示了浓厚的中华文化氛围。

红砖仓库 : 红砖仓库是位于横滨港的历史建筑群,现在转变为一个时尚的购物和文化区。这里有各种商店、餐厅、咖啡馆和展览空间,是一个受欢迎的休闲和娱乐场所。

新横滨拉面博物馆 : 这个博物馆位于新横滨,展示了拉面的历史和各种不同风味的拉面。游客可以品尝到来自全国各地的各种拉面,了解日本拉面文化的丰富多样性。

东京塔  (外观) : 作为日本的地标之一,东京塔是一座高约333米的通信塔,外观灵感来自巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔。游客可以前往塔顶观景台,俯瞰东京市区的壮丽景色。

日本标准酒店3*: Sotetsu Fresa Inn 酒店
日本标准酒店4*: Shinjuku Granbell 酒店或同级
日本标准酒店5*: Tokyo Dome 酒店或同级

Transfer : 乘搭旅游专车接送(最多容纳9人)
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 东京的酒店
东京 - 自由活动


Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 东京的酒店
东京 - 羽田机场(出境)




Flight : 免费接机时段只限:0601AM - 2359PM。若在免费接机时段以外的时间,请自行安排交通或额外补贴包车费用前往酒店。
Transfer : 乘搭旅游专车接送(最多容纳9人)
Meals : 早餐
Print Trip Details
Trip Inclusive
  • 05 nights' hotel accommodation in Tokyo(4N), Mount Fuji (1N)
  • Daily breakfast at hotel
  • 03 full days sightseeing with entrance fee
  • Mandarin speaking driver cum guide service (simple commentary)
  • Ticket admission: Lake Ashi (Ashinoko) (include boat ride) ,Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum.
  • Private Service (Except cruise, flight, train or sightseeing public coach if any involved)
Trip Exclude
  • International/Domestic air ticket
  • Individual expenses and Travel Insurance
  • Tipping for driver guide
  • Lunches, Dinner and afternoon tea, boat cruises, visit and entrance fees other than those specified on trip pages.
Trip Mandatory
Agency Collection Fee 30.00 30.00
Driver guide tipping per person 120.00 120.00
Optional Addon
Additional English-speaking guide per person (for whole trip) 2,810.00 2,810.00
Extra arrival transfer from Tokyo to Narita Airport (maximum 8 persons per vehicle) (per person per way) 100.00 100.00
Extra arrival transfer from Narita airport to Tokyo (maximum 8 persons per vehicle) (per person per way) 100.00 100.00
General Terms
  • Rates quoted are subject to change without prior notice and/or upon hotel confirmation. This may be due to any special event and any immediate room surcharges implied by the hotel.
  • No refunds are given for any unused portion of this package or during tour.
  • The above itinerary is for reference only and visiting sequence may be different, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirements.
  • 12fly of Malaysian Harmony shall not be liable for any loses or expenses incurred due to delay, sickness, weather, strikes or any other causes beyond its control, such losses and expenses shall be borne by the clients.
  • Others 12fly terms & conditions applies.
Payment Terms
  • Deposit for this package is minimum MYR 1000 per person
Package Remarks
  • General travel period: August 2024 until August 2025 (Valid for daily arrival at Haneda Airport - Tokyo)
  • Red Alert Period: 01-07 Oct 2024, 20 Dec 2024- 05 Jan 2025, 25 Jan - 05 Feb, 20 Mar - 15 Apr 2025, 29 Apr - 05 May 2025 subjected to transport & hotel further surcharge upon booking made.
  • Suggested flight route: Kuala Lumpur- Haneda Airport Tokyo - Kuala Lumpur
  • The above rates require a minimum of 04 adults per booking. Additional surcharge applies for single traveler (Single supplement charges apply.)
  • The above rates are valid for Malaysian passport only(Fully Vaccinated); Additional surcharge might apply for foreigner passport, additional surcharge is subjected to subject to respective hotel.
  • All hotels based on similar class, final hotel confirmation will advise 1-2 days before departure date.
  • Advance booking required at least 20 working days before departure.
  • Tour singhtseing with entrance fee (Maximum10 HR /300km car usage per day )
  • Child 6 years old and above is apply child with bed rate.
  • Child 2-5 years old is apply child no bed with breakfast rate.
  • Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Japan: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon.
  • Package is based on English/Mandarin speaking driver cum guide + Self-guided tour, which does not include Tour guides and scenic spot interpretation services.

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