6天5晚东京, 富士山, 高山, 京都, 奈良 & 大阪
JB_JHS-02 6D5N TOKYO, HONSHU 01 AUG 2024 - 31 AUG 2025

Valid for daily arrival at  Haneda Airport Tokyo

Private Service. 

4-9 To Go Ground Package (minimum 4 person per booking)

Haneda Airport (Arrival) - Tokyo

Arrival Tokyo Haneda International Airport, our local representative will meet you at pick up point,you will join the scheduled activities.

Usage of vehicle with max of 10hrs/300km only.

Tsukiji fish market - It is a lively place with seafood shops, restaurants, and cafes.

The Imperial Palace East Gardens - Where their Majesties the Emperor and Empress reside. It is a classic cherry blossom viewing spot in spring.

Asakusa Kannon Temple - A temple town and home of the famous a popular visiting place during holidays and festivals. You will find many small stands selling snack foods, traditional gifts, and souvenirs along the Nakamise-dori lining the path to this temple founded in the 7th century.

Nakamise Avenue - Is a 300m approach to Sensoji Temple, is one of the oldest shopping streets in Japan. The arcade dates from the late 17th century, when local people were granted the special right to open shops along the approach to the temple

Shinjuku - Do your last min. shopping here! And, you may visit the famous entertainment Kabuki-cho area.

Remark: If in / out from Narita Airport surcharge RM 100 / Pax / way.

*Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Japan: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon. 
Japan Standard Hotel Local 3* : Smile Hotel Tokyo or similar category
Japan Standard Hotel Local 4* : Dai - Ichi Hotel Ryogoku or similar category

Flight Arrival airport transfer applies for selected time only: 0601AM - 2359PM. Beyond these timeframe, additional charges apply. You may also arrange your own airport transfer.
Transfer Travel by van (max 9 persons per van)
Hotel In Tokyo
Tokyo - Mount Fuji

From Tokyo to Mount Fuji takes around 2.5 hours by car.

Usage of vehicle with max of 10hrs/300km only.

Mount fuji 5th station - It serves as the starting point for climbing Mount Fuji. Here, you can enjoy panoramic views of Mount Fuji and the surrounding natural beauty.

Remarks : Replace to Fuji Visitor Information Centre if weather is not permitted.

Lake Ashi (Ashinoko) (Include boat ride)Also known as Ashinoko, offers scenic boat rides that allow visitors to enjoy the beautiful surroundings, including views of Mount Fuji.

Onshihakone Park - located in the Hakone area of Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, is a beautiful park. It features expansive lawns, gardens, and lakes, providing pleasant walking and picnic spots. Visitors can enjoy magnificent mountain views and glimpses of Mount Fuji within the park, as well as explore historical buildings and cultural sites .

Onsen Hot Spring - Stay at a hot spring hotel near Mount Fuji to indulge in the rejuvenating hot springs while enjoying the breathtaking views of Mount Fuji.

*Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Japan: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon. 
Japan Standard Hotel Local 4* : Just One Fuji Oyama or similar

Transfer Travel by van (max 9 persons per van)
Meals Breakfast
Hotel In Oyama
Mount Fuji - Takayama

From Mt Fuji to Takayama take around 2 hr 30 mins.

Usage of vehicle with max of 10hrs/300km only.

ShirakaGassho-Zukuri - Ancient street that retains the traditional Japanese style. Walking among the original and antique buildings of Japan's Edo period, the elegant and quiet atmosphere shows the traditional beauty of Japanese culture. It is the most popular tourist attraction in the Takayama area.

Shirakawa-Go Takayama - Famous for its traditional thatched gassho houses. The entire village is surrounded by lush natural scenery. The picture is like a romantic fairy tale world, which is unforgettable. This village, selected as one of the World Heritage Sites by UNESCO, is also known as ‘Japan’s most beautiful village’.

*Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Japan: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon.
Japan Standard Hotel Local 3* : Comfort Inn Ogaki Hotel or similar
Japan Standard Hotel Local 4* : Resol Hotel Gifu or similar

Transfer Travel by van (max 9 persons per van)
Meals Breakfast
Hotel In Gifu
Takayama - Kyoto

Journey from Takayama to Kyoto take around 4hr depend on traffiic and we will explore attraction as below mentioned:

Usage of vehicle with max of 10hrs/300km only.

Kiyomizu Temple -  The oldest temple in Kyoto, and best known for its wooden stage that juts out from its main hall, 13 meters above the hillside. The stage affords nice views of the numerous cherry and maple trees below that erupt in a sea of color in spring and fall, as well as of the city of Kyoto in the distance.

Sannenzaka & Ninenzaka - Iconic streets of Kyoto City, which represent Japan’s good old days. The historical stone paved streets are lined with traditional Japanese buildings, shops, cafes and inns, and are also surrounded by several famous landmarks.

Fushimi Inari Shrine - The main shrine of Inari shrines across Japan and has a history of more than 1,300 years.The "Senbon Torii" with vermilion torii gates lined up like a tunnel,and is also famous for granting various wishes of worshipers, and is known as Kyoto's most famous energetic attraction.

Arashiyama Bamboo Forest Is a Japan most famous natural forest of bamboo in Arashiyama,Kyoto and it's believed to be one of the most photographed places in Kyoto,as standing amid these soaring stalks of bamboo is like being in another world.

*Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Japan: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon.
Japan Standard Hotel Local 3* : Ys Inn Shin Hotel or similar
Japan Standard Hotel Local 4* : Plaza Osaka Hotel or similar

Transfer Travel by van (max 9 persons per van)
Meals Breakfast
Hotel In Osaka
Nara - Osaka

Today we will explore around Nara and Osaka city that  offer a captivating blend of ancient charm and modern vibrancy

Usage of vehicle with max of 10hrs/300km only.

Nara Toudaiji - A magnificent Buddhist temple built in 752, which has a giant Buddha Aside from the Great Buddha, Todaiji Temple is home to numerous national treasures and cultural assets, and so the temple itself was registered as a Historic Monument of Ancient Nara by the UNESCO World Heritage Convention in 1998.

Deer Park - Considered the messengers of the Gods, Nara's over 1000 deer have become a symbol of the city and have even been designated as a natural treasure and some deer have learned to bow to visitors to ask to be fed. You can buy deer crackers to feed them, just calmly and becarefully hand out the crackers until they’re all gone.

Osaka Castle (Outlook) - One of the most famous landmarks in Japan. This five-story castle is one of the most visually spectacular creations in the country, with a history that dates back almost 450 years. Osaka Castle is also famous to some for its incredibly well-built stone wall, which is impressive in its sheer size, with an estimated 500,000 to 1 million large stones (up to 12kg) having been used in its construction. 

Shinsaibashi Shopping Street - Explore the eclectic blend of fashion, entertainment, and vibrant street culture in Osaka's iconic Shinsaibashi Shopping Street, a 600-meter arcade lined with diverse shops, dining options, and lively attractions.

Transfer Travel by van (max 9 persons per van)
Meals Breakfast
Hotel In Osaka
Osaka - Kansai Airport (Departure)

Breakfast at Hotel,you are free to explore the city until the meeting time to transfer to the airport.

Hotel check out time is 11:00a.m

Remark:If in / out from Narita Airport surcharge RM 100 / Pax / way.

Flight Airport transfer applies for selected time only: 0601AM - 2359PM. Beyond these timeframe, additional charges apply. You may also arrange your own airport transfer.
Transfer Travel by van (max 9 persons per van)
Meals Breakfast


车辆使用时间最多为 10 小时/300 公里。

筑地市场 - 人聲鼎沸的場所,有販售海鮮的批發店和零售店,以及休閒餐廳與咖啡館。 

皇居东花园 - 这里也是春季著名的 赏樱胜地之一

浅草观音寺 - 一路上在观音庙的两旁您可看到各种带有文化风 采的礼品档口售买礼品。

仲见世商店街 - 仲见世商店街是日本最古老的商店街之一,可以追溯到17 世纪,长约250公尺的商店街,散步其中有着浓浓江户风情,在90家店铺中有哪些不可错过的美食、伴手礼

新宿 - 是日本最著名的繁华商业区, 也是亚洲最大等级的欢 乐街-歌舞伎町。享受欢乐购物游!东京代表性 的繁华商圈,时尚杂志 的街拍地,围观街 头的乐队表演。



Flight : 免费接机时段只限:0601AM - 2359PM。若在免费接机时段以外的时间,请自行安排交通或额外补贴包车费用前往酒店。
Transfer : 乘搭旅游专车接送(最多容纳9人)
Hotel : 东京的酒店
东京 - 富士山


车辆使用时间最多为 10 小时/300 公里。

富士山五合目站观美景 - 这是登山富士山的起点,您可以在这里欣赏到壮观的富士山全景,并享受周围的自然美景。


芦之湖(包括游船) - 也称为Ashinoko,提供风景如画的船舶游览,让游客可以欣赏到美丽的周边环境,包括富士山的景色。

箱根恩赐公园 - 位于日本神奈川县箱根地区,是一个美丽的公园。公园拥有广阔的草坪、花园和湖泊,提供了宜人的散步和野餐场所。您可以在公园内欣赏到壮丽的山脉和富士山的景色,同时还有历史建筑和文化遗址可供探索。

入住温泉酒店 - 入住富士山的温泉饭店,以在享受温泉水的保养同时欣赏富士山的美景。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游专车接送(最多容纳9人)
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 小山町的酒店
富士山 - 高山


车辆使用时间最多为 10 小时/300 公里。

高山古街 - 任然保留着传统日式风格,走在日本江户时代原色古味的建筑当中,幽雅静谧的气氛,展现了日本文化传统美,是高山地区最有人气的旅游景点。



Transfer : 乘搭旅游专车接送(最多容纳9人)
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 岐阜的酒店
高山 - 京都


车辆使用时间最多为 10 小时/300 公里。

清水寺 - 京都最古老的寺庙,以其从主殿伸出、高出山坡 13 米的木制舞台而闻名。 从舞台上可以看到下面无数的樱花树和枫树,春天和秋天在色彩的海洋中爆发,以及远处的京都市。

三年坂二年坂 - 京都市的标志性街道,代表着日本过去的美好时光。 历史悠久的石板街道两旁林立着传统的日本建筑、商店、咖啡馆和旅馆,周围还有著名的地标建筑。

伏見稲荷大社 - 是日本各地稻荷神社的总本宫,已有1300多年的历史。朱紅色的鳥居如隧道般一字排開的[千本鳥居],伏見稻荷大社還以能為參拜者實現各種願望而聞名,被稱為京都最有名的能量景點。

岚山竹林 - 位于日本,京都岚山最著名的天然竹林也被认为是京都最适合拍照的地方之一,站在这些高耸的竹秆中就像身处另一个世界。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游专车接送(最多容纳9人)
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 大阪的酒店
奈良 - 大阪


车辆使用时间最多为 10 小时/300 公里。

奈良东大寺 - 建于752年的宏伟佛教寺庙,内有巨大的佛像。除了大佛外,东大寺还收藏着众多的国宝和文化财富,因此该寺于1998年被联合国教科文组织世界遗产大会登记为古代奈良的历史遗迹。

神鹿公园 - 被视为神灵的使者,奈良的1000多只鹿已经成为该城市的象征,甚至被指定为自然珍宝。一些鹿甚至学会向游客鞠躬以示索食。您可以购买鹿饼干喂养它们,只需平静地小心地将饼干分发完,直至它们全部消耗完毕。

大阪城(外观) - 是日本最著名的地标之一。这座五层楼的城堡是该国最引人注目的建筑之一,历史可追溯至将近450年前。大阪城的石墙也因其出色的建筑工艺而闻名,其规模之大令人印象深刻,据估计在其建造过程中使用了50万至100万块大石头(最大可达12公斤)。

心斋桥商店街 - 探索大阪标志性的心斋桥购物街,这是一条长达600米的拱廊,汇集了多样化的商店、餐饮选择和生动的景点,融合时尚、娱乐和活力四溢的街头文化。

Transfer : 乘搭旅游专车接送(最多容纳9人)
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 大阪的酒店
大阪 - 関西机场 (出境)




Flight : 免费接送机时段只限:0601AM - 2359PM。若在免费接机时段以外的时间,请自行安排交通或额外补贴包车费用前往酒店。
Transfer : 乘搭旅游专车接送(最多容纳9人)
Meals : 早餐
Print Trip Details
Trip Inclusive
  • 05 nights hotel accommodation: Tokyo (1N), Mt, Fuji (1N), Gifu(1N), Osaka(2N)
  • Daily breakfast at hotel
  • Ticket admission: Lake Ashi, Kiyomizu Temple, Fushimi Inari Shrine, Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, Nara Toudaiji, Asakusa Kannon Temple
  • 05 full days sightseeing with entrance fee
  • Mandarin speaking driver cum guide service (simple commentary)
  • Private Service (Except cruise, flight, train or sightseeing public coach if any involved)
Trip Exclude
  • International / Domestic air ticket
  • Individual expenses and Travel Insurance
  • Tipping for driver guide
  • All meals, boat cruises, visit and entrance fees other than those specified on trip pages.
Trip Mandatory
Agency Collection Fee 30.00 30.00
Driver tipping per person 120.00 120.00
Optional Addon
Top up tipping for English-speaking driver (Subject to availability) 370.00 370.00
Extra arrival transfer from Narita airport to Tokyo (maximum 8 persons per vehicle) (per person per day) 110.00 110.00
Extra arrival transfer from Tokyo to Narita Airport (maximum 8 persons per vehicle) (per person per way) 110.00 110.00
General Terms
  • Rates quoted are subject to change without prior notice and/or upon hotel confirmation. This may be due to any special event and any immediate room surcharges implied by the hotel.
  • No refunds are given for any unused portion of this package or during tour.
  • The above itinerary is for reference only and visiting sequence may be different, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirements.
  • 12fly of Malaysian Harmony shall not be liable for any loses or expenses incurred due to delay, sickness, weather, strikes or any other causes beyond its control, such losses and expenses shall be borne by the clients.
  • Others 12fly terms & conditions applies.
Payment Terms
  • Deposit for this package is minimum MYR 1000 per person
Package Remarks
  • General travel period: August 2024 until August 2025 (Valid for daily arrival at Haneda Airport - Tokyo)
  • Red Alert Period: 01-07 Oct 2024, 20 Dec 2024- 05 Jan 2025, 25 Jan - 05 Feb, 20 Mar - 15 Apr 2025, 29 Apr - 05 May 2025 subjected to transport & hotel further surcharge upon booking made.
  • Suggested flight route: Kuala Lumpur- Haneda Airport Tokyo - Kansai Airport -Kuala Lumpur
  • The above rates require a minimum of 04 adults per booking. Additional surcharge applies for single traveler (Single supplement charges apply)
  • The above rates are valid for Malaysian passport only(Fully Vaccinated); Additional surcharge might apply for foreigner passport, additional surcharge is subjected to subject to respective hotel.
  • All hotels based on similar class, final hotel confirmation will advise 1-2 days before departure date.
  • Advance booking required at least 20 working days before departure.
  • Tour singhtseing with entrance fee (Maximum 10 HR /300km car usage per day)
  • Child 6 years old and above is apply child with bed rate.
  • Child 2-5 years old is apply child no bed with breakfast rate.
  • Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Japan: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon.
  • Package is based on English/Mandarin speaking driver cum guide + Self-guided tour, which does not include Tour guides and scenic spot interpretation services.

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