6天5夜愉快韩国之旅 - 首尔与釜山
NV_6DSEOBU 6D5N SEOUL 01 AUG 2024 - 30 NOV 2024

Valid for daily arrival at Seoul Incheon International Airport.

Private Service.

2 To Go Ground Package (minimum 2-3 adults per booking).

4 To Go Ground Package (minimum 4-7 adults per booking).

8 To Go Ground Package (minimum 8-10 adults per booking).

Incheon (Arrival) - Busan

Upon arrival Incheon airport (Seoul), meet and great by Driver guide, proceed to Busan (about 5-6 hours drive journey). After arrived ,visit Oryukdo Skywalk the transparent glass floor is made of bulletproof glass to withstand heavy load. The vast sea and the foam that splashes against the coastal cliff under the glass floor are blue and breathtaking. Experience the vibrant energy of BIFF Square in Busan, a bustling hub of culture, history, and delicious cuisine. As the main venue of the Busan International Film Festival, BIFF Square offers a unique blend of entertainment and gastronomic delights that will captivate travelers from around the world. After then, visit Nampodong that offers a unique blend of food, shopping, and stunning sea views. 

*Lunch & Dinner on own expenses

 *Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Busan: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon. 
Standard Category Local 3*: Gnb Hotel Busan or similar category

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Light ABF (sandwich & juice)
Hotel GnB Hotel Busan or similar category

Breakfast serve at hotel, transfer to visit Colorful roofs that seem to touch the sky, A warmth that covers the whole village, here is Gamcheon Culture Village in Busan. Trip continue to Haedong Yonggung Temple, this superb attraction offers visitors the rare find of a temple along the shore line as most temples in Korea are located in the mountains. You can find street foods, fruit stands, fresh sea foods and a lot of goods here at Heaundae Traditional Market. After visit a half-moon-shaped transparent floor is installed at the end of the observatory at Cheongsapo Daritdol Skywalk, allowing visitors to feel the thrill of walking on the sea. From right in front of the observatory to the marine lighthouse, visitors can enjoy the beautiful coastal scenery of Cheongsapo and as well as the view of sunrise and sunset while looking at Daritdol, which refers to five neatly lined up reefs. Seomyeon Market is becoming Busan’s largest shopping street. The traditional market is always crowded with people who wish to taste local dishes, such as noodle soup, old-fashioned fried chicken, and pork and rice soup in the gourmand alley.

*Lunch & Dinner on own expenses

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast
Hotel GnB Hotel Busan or similar category
Busan - Yongqin - Seoul

Breakfast serve at hotel, visit Everland outdoor theme park. This an amusement park that entertains visitors through attractions in the five themed areas of Global Fair, American Adventure, Magic Land, Zootopia, and European Adventure. The park is decorated according to different themed festivals throughout the year, including Tulip Festival, Rose Festival, Summer Splash, Halloween Festival, Romantic Illumination, and more. One of the park’s most famous rides is T-Express, Korea’s first wooden roller coaster, popular among young visitors. Zootopia is a must-see as it spans an area of 15,000 ㎡ and exhibits 2,000 animals. Lost Valley opened in 2013 and features the largest ecological safari world with tours by amphibious car to see 150 animals. A pair of giant pandas given by Chinese president Xi Jinping as a symbol of friendship between Korea and China can also be seen at Panda World.

*Lunch & Dinner on own expenses

 *Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Seoul: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon. 
Standard Category Local 4*: Recenz Dongdaemun Hotel or similar category

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Recenz Dongdaemun Hotel or similar category

Breakfast serve at hotel. Proceed to HiKR Ground, is a Korean tourism publicity center where visitors can experience K-pop and view media art at the same time. The name 'HiKR Ground' embodies the meaning that Korea (KR) will greet ("Hi") global tourists and become a playground. Mangwon Market has some good eats and it’s within close proximity to Hongdae and the Han River so it’s easy to stop by, grab some food and be on your way. Namsan Park is the largest park in Seoul and is home to many species of trees, plants, and animals. The park is well-known for its beautiful walking trails, which allow visitors to see the local wildlife, such as its squirrels. After, proceed to Namsan Park, is the largest park in Seoul and is home to many species of trees, plants, and animals. The park is well-known for its beautiful walking trails, which allow visitors to see the local wildlife, such as its squirrels. Photo stop at N Seoul Tower. After then visit A stroll through Namsangol Hanok Village is an excellent way to get a feel for what it was like to live in Joseon-era Korea, both for peasants and aristocrats. Lastly shopping at Dongdaemum+Design Plaza, all kinds of good can be found at dongdaemum area including clothes, shoes, accessorries, electronics, leather goods, sporting goods, silk, etc.

*Lunch & Dinner on own expenses

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Recenz Dongdaemun Hotel or similar category

Breakfast serve at hotel, transfer to  Gyeongbokgung Palace, here is a magnificent attraction in Seoul that you shouldn’t miss. It was the main palace during the Joseon dynasty. Located north of Gwanghwamun Square, is one of the most iconic sights in all of Korea thanks to its long and storied history. After visit Bukchon Hanok Village is a residential neighborhood in Jongno District, Seoul. It has many restored traditional Korean houses, called hanok. Bukchon is like a maze that makes visitors admire and go on forever with winding alleys on the hills and beautiful houses. Experience the vibrant heart of Seoul at Gwanghwamun Square, a historic public square that has been a central point of Korean history for centuries. This cultural hub showcases the rich heritage of South Korea while offering a modern urban space for locals and visitors alike. After transfer to Cheonggyecheon is famous for being a beautiful urban park and a historic landmark in Seoul, South Korea. It is a 10.9-kilometer-long stream that flows through the heart of the city, offering a serene and picturesque escape from the bustling urban environment. Lastly shopping at Myeongdong Shopping Street , here many local, international brands and department stores lined the streets and alleys, selling everything from cosmetics, clothes, shoes to accessories.

*Lunch & Dinner on own expenses

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Recenz Dongdaemun Hotel or similar category with us for a full list of planned hotels
Seoul (Departure)

Breakfast serve at hotel, before transfer to airport for departure flight, visit local product shop to purchase local food for souvenir and bring back to the sweet home.


Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast
仁川 (抵达)- 釜山

抵达仁川机场(首尔)后,与司机导游会合,前往釜山(约 5-6小时小时车程)。抵达后,前往五六岛天空步道,透過下方的透明玻璃可以看到海浪拍打著絕壁,給人強烈的刺激感。BIFF 廣場位於釜山的知名廣場曾是重要國際影展的發源地,為當地注入源源不絕的活力。 來此血拼購物、大啖美食或觀賞群星留下的紀念手印,來一趟回味無窮的旅行。最后,前往南浦洞是釜山中区的热门休闲地点,也是商业区和购物区,札嘎其市场和釜山塔等釜山代表性的景点均位于南浦洞。


釜山标准酒店3*: 釜山Gnb酒店(或同级)

Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 简单早餐(三文治 & 果汁)
Hotel : 釜山Gnb酒店(或同级)

享用酒店早餐后,前往甘川文化村,这里就像藝術家的調色板一樣。 這座山邊小鎮有數以百計的民居,沿山邊層層興建,並漆上數十種不同顏色。 您可沿樓梯拾級而上,欣賞民居以及鎮上各處的壁畫和雕塑。随后,前往海东龙宫寺是韩国最靠近海岸的佛寺, 也是韩国著名的“观音圣地”。接着前往海云台传统市场,在这里您可以找到街头小吃、水果摊位、新鲜海鲜以及各种商品。随后便参观青沙浦桥石观景台,这里尽头安装了一个半月形的透明地板,让游客感受到在海面上行走的刺激。从观景台正前方到海洋灯塔,游客可以欣赏到青沙浦美丽的海岸风光,并且在观赏达里石(意指五块整齐排列的礁石)的同时,还可以欣赏日出和日落的壮丽景色。最后去到了西面市场正在成为西面的热门景点——釜山最大的购物街。这座传统市场总是挤满了想要品尝当地美食的游客,如面条汤、老式炸鸡和猪肉米饭汤等美食在美食街上尤为受欢迎。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 釜山Gnb酒店(或同级)
釜山 - 龙仁 - 首尔



首尔标准酒店4*: 礼升东大门酒店 (或同级)

Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 礼升东大门酒店 (或同级)

享用酒店早餐后,前往HiKR Ground。这是一个韩国旅游宣传中心,游客可以在这里同时体验K-pop和观赏媒体艺术。‘HiKR Ground’这个名字蕴含着韩国(KR)将向全球游客问好(“Hi”)并成为一个游乐场的含义。望远市场有很多美味的食物,距离弘大和汉江很近,所以非常方便,您可以轻松地停下来,买些食物,然后继续前行。过后我们前往,南山公园是首尔最大的公园,拥有许多树木、植物和动物。公园以其美丽的步道而闻名,游客可以在这里欣赏到当地的野生动物,如松鼠等。外观N首尔塔。过后前往南山谷韩屋村是体验朝鲜王朝时期韩国生活的绝佳去处,无论是农民还是贵族的生活都能在这里感受到。最后前往东大门+东大门设计广场购物的好去处。在东大门地区,你可以找到各种各样的商品,包括衣物、鞋子、配饰、电子产品、皮革制品、运动器材、丝绸等。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 礼升东大门酒店 (或同级)

享用酒店早餐后,前往首尔绝对不能错过的一处壮丽景点-景福宫(包含门票)。它曾是朝鲜王朝时期的主要宫殿。坐落在光化门广场北部,因其悠久而丰富的历史而成为韩国最具标志性的景点之一。随后,参观北村韩屋村 - 是首尔钟路区的一个居民社区。这里有许多修复过的传统韩式房屋,称为韩屋。北村就像一个迷宫,让游客在山间蜿蜒的小巷和美丽的房屋中流连忘返。感受首尔的心脏——光化门广场,这个历史悠久的公共广场几世纪以来一直是韩国历史的中心。作为文化中心,光化门广场展示了韩国丰富的遗产,同时也为当地居民和游客提供了一个现代化的城市空间。前往到清溪川,它以美丽的城市公园和历史地标而闻名。清溪川是一个长达10.9公里的溪流,流经首尔市中心,为人们提供了一个宁静而风景如画的避世之地,让你远离喧嚣的城市环境。最后,前往明洞购物街购物。在这里,街道和巷弄两旁布满了许多本地和国际品牌的商店以及百货公司,出售从化妆品、衣物、鞋子到各种配饰的商品。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 礼升东大门酒店 (或同级)
首尔 (出境)


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐
Print Trip Details
Trip Inclusive
  • 05 nights' accommodation: Seoul (3N) & Busan (2N)
  • Daily buffet breakfast
  • 05 full days Sightseeing with entrance fee by Private Transport (Vehicle usage Max of 10hrs/Day except airport transfer)
  • Return private airport transfer service
  • Chinese Speaking Driver cum Guide Service (for 7 pax and below)
  • Chinese Speaking Tour Guide and Driver Service (for 8 pax and above)
Trip Exclude
  • International/ Domestic air ticket
  • Personal Expenses and Travel Insurance
  • Lunches, dinners, afternoon tea, boat cruises, visit and entrance fees other than those specified on trip pages.
  • Driver Guide Compulsary Tipping
  • K-ETA and Q-Code application fee/charges
Trip Mandatory
Agency Collection Fee 30.00 30.00
Drive Guide Tipping 152.00 -
Optional Addon
Top Up for English speaking driver cum guide - Per Group of 2-3 Paxs | Per Person 680.00 -
Top Up for English speaking driver cum guide - Per Group of 4-7 Paxs | Per Person 680.00 -
Top Up for English speaking tour guide - Per Group of 8-10 Paxs | Per Person 460.00 -
General Terms
  • Rates quoted are subject to change without prior notice and/or upon hotel confirmation. This may be due to any special event and any immediate room surcharges implied by the hotel.
  • No refunds are given for any unused portion of this package or during tour.
  • Full payment is required in order for process booking if booking received less than 50 working days prior to departure. Seats subject to available.
  • 12fly of Malaysian Harmony shall not be liable for any loses or expenses incurred due to delay, sickness, weather, strikes or any other causes beyond its control, such losses and expenses shall be borne by the clients.
  • Others 12fly terms & conditions applies.
  • The above itinerary is for reference only and visiting sequence may be different, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirements.
Payment Terms
  • Deposit for this package is minimum MYR 1000 per person
Package Remarks
  • General travel period: August 2024 until November 2024.
  • Red Alert Period: 14-18 Sep, 03-09 Oct, 21-31 Dec 2024, 01 Jan 2025 in Korea subject to transport & hotel or extention night for further surcharge upon send in booking.
  • Suggestion flight route: Kuala Lumpur - Seoul Incheon International Airport - Kuala Lumpur
  • Advance booking required at least 40 working days before departure.
  • The above rates are valid for Malaysian passport (Fully Vaccinated) only; surcharge might apply for foreigner passport, subject to individual hotel surcharge.
  • Package is based on Chinese speaking driver cum guide + Self-guided tour, which does not include Tour guides and scenic spot interpretation services. (for 7 pax and below)

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