EP_28944 12D11N COPENHAGEN 17 APR 2024 - 30 OCT 2024

Tour available on selected Wednesday.


Deals & Discounts:-

  • Children under 3 years discount 80%, Children from 3 to 8 years discount 40% and Children from 9 to 15 years discount 10%
  • Discount 5% for Repeat Travellers, Travellers over 65 years and Honeymooners

Terms & Conditions apply.

Copenhagen (Arrival)

Welcome to Europe!!! Upon arriving at the airport we will be waiting to transfer you to your hotel.

Hotel standard check in time 3pm. Please check the informative posters placed at the hotel reception area which have all the information about your upcoming services such as meeting place, time and the guide’s name.

NOTE: IF YOU REQUESTED ADDITIONAL NIGHTS on arrival at the hotel you will have your booking made but the guide of your trip will normally not arrive until the start of the included activities. YOUR TIME BEFORE THIS MOMENT IS THEREFORE FREE. At your hotel they can help you with all the information you need. | The schedules you will find in this itinerary are approximate. The guide, depending on the situation and in order to improve the development of the circuit, may adjust the schedules.

Transfer by Airport shuttle
Hotel Scandic Sydhavnen or similar. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels
Copenhagen - Odense - Aarhus

TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS: Visit of Copenhagen, pleasant scenery in southern Denmark.

At 0800AM we start out on a comprehensive tour of the Danish capital. The largest of the Scandinavian cities is a city of contrasts: its popular “Tivoli”; Christianborg Palace; the terraces of Nyhavn, and the mermaid… The visit ends at about 1030AM.

We will travel to the Jutland Peninsula, passing through pretty landscapes with hills and crossing the 20 km long bridge that connect Jutland to the island on which Copenhagen stands.

Odense arrival - Free time to explore and have lunch in this pleasent city where you can visit its gothic cathedral and the house of Andersen.

Aarhus arrival - Free time. We recommend a visit to this pretty city, the Danish city with the second highest population.

Transfer by Europamundo coach
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Comwell or similar. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels
Aarhus - Kristiansand - Flekkefjord - Stavanger

TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS: Norwegian coastline.

0800AM Aarhus Departure - We set out for the northern part of Denmark, amidst attractive scenery.

Hirsthals - We take a tour of this city and port before embarking on the modern ferry to cross the North Sea to Norway. Normally our boat sails at 1215PM. The crossing takes about three hours. We advise you to change your currency on the boat and have lunch. 

Kristiansand – We land and then continue our journey.

Flekkefjord - A town on a fjord, with wooden houses and tiny restaurants. Time to explore.

Stavanger Arrival - Free time to explore this beautiful lively city next to the sea.

NOTE: The times of the ferries between Denmark and Norway often vary and so the times during this part of the circuit will depend on those changes.

Transfer by Europamundo coach and ferry
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Clarion Energy or simialr. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels
Stavanger - Bergen

TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS: beautiful fjord and sea landscapes. Funicular trip to mount Floyen.

0730AM Stavanger – On leaving the city, we will stop at the "Swords in Rock" monument, where we will remember the Vikings before continuing on along the coast and soon come to Mortavika where we take a boat and cross Skunden fjord, which takes just over half an hour.

Arrival at Aarsvagen where we continue to travel through amazing scenery dominated by the sea. We then pass through the deepest tunnel in the world, below the sea.

At approximately 1130AM, we arrive at Sandvikvag where we make a boat crossing lasting 45 minutes surrounded by spectacular fjords.

Bergen arrival - We ascend on the funicular railway to Mount Flouyen (price of  trip included) where there are fantastic views of the city and its fjords. Then visitors have a free afternoon in Bergen, to enjoy its lively atmosphere.

NOTE: There may sometimes be queues to board the boats, and we may arrive at Bergen later than planned. 

Transfer by Europamundo coach and boat
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Scandic Ornen or similar. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels
Bergen - Oslo

TODAY´S HIGHLIGHTS: Spectacular scenery of mountains and fjords. Cruise.

0745AM Bergen Departure - We set out amidst beautiful scenery and enter the fjords region.

Waterfall of Tvindefoss. Short stop to admire this beautiful waterfall 100m of height also call Trollafossen or waterfall of the Trolls. Its waters have the reputation not only of rejuvenating but also of increasing the sexual potency.

Departure to Sogner Fjord, the largest Norwegian fjord and often considered  the most beautiful one.  We continue our journey through impressive landscapes and come to Gudvangen.

Gudvangen - We visit this tiny city and then take a boat cruise on the fiord (departure scheduled for 12.00 h.). The cruise lasts for just over 2 hours and takes us near impressive cliffs. We recommend having lunch on board.

At about 1410PM, we land in Flam, and then continue our journey surrounded by woods, lakes, isolated mountains with peaks covered in snow all the year round and glaciers.

After passing through the 24.5km Aurland tunnel, considered one of the longest in the world and using innovative techniques to rest the eyes and avoid the monotony of the drivers, we will arrive to the Borgund wood church, possibly the best preserved Norwegian temple of the 13th century, where we will make a brief stop to admire and take a photo (entrance included).

Oslo arrival, free time in this pleasant Norwegian city next to the fjord that ears its name and surrounded by mountains. We can visit its port, streets and the works of art of the Frognerparken.

NOTE: The schedules of the cruise can be modified; according to that the schedule of the rest of the day may also undergo changes.

Transfer by Europamundo coach
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Scandic Sjolyst or similar. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels
Oslo - Orebro - Stockholm

TODAY´S HIGHLIGHTS: Sighseeing tour in Oslo. impressive scenery with mountains, forests and lakes.

Free time to stroll around Oslo before continuing our journey.

1130AM Oslo Departure. We travel to Sweden with its impressive lakes, dense forests. After the border crossing, we stopped at a service area for lunch.

Orebro arrival to this Swedish town next to a beautiful lake with a castle and charming historic center. Time for stroll.  

Arrival in Stockholm in the evening.

Transfer by Europamundo coach
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Scandic Talk or similar. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels
Stockholm Sightseeing

TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS: Stockholm sightseeing.

Sightseeing tour of this gorgeous capital city built on 13 interconnected islands. Water is everywhere. We will visit Gamla Stand or  the "City between the Bridges", Stockholm’s Old Town full of life where many of the monumental buildings are located such as the Nobel Museum, located next to Stortorget main square, which pays tribute to the winners of the Nobel Prizes, the Cathedral or the Royal Palace. When possible we can have a nice view from the Fjällgatan viewpoint. 

Free time. We advise taking a walk through the centre and seeing the museum island.

In the afternoon, we offer visitors an optional visit to the Town Hall and the Royal Ship Vasa.

Transfer by Europamundo coach
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Scandic Talk or similar. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels
Stockholm - Overnight Cruise

TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS: Ferry to Finland.

Free day in the most beautiful of the Scandinavian capitals. We recommend walking around the historic center and the island of museums.

1700PM Transfer to the port of Stockholm. We embark on the modern ferry of the Silja Lines company. Restaurants, bars, nightclub, casino, shops, ample rooms ... cruise conditions. Our ship leaves at 19.30 hrs (estimated time at the time of writing this itinerary).- The landscapes you can see at the exit of Stockholm are of great beauty (lots of islands). We recommend to enjoy on the deck. Do not forget your camera !. Night on board, double cabins.

NOTE:Tonight we embark on a night cruise. Carry your documentation (will be required when boarding) and prepare hand luggage (luggage will remain in the coach).

Transfer by Europamundo coach and overnight Cruise
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Overnight Cruise
Turku - Naantali - Helsinki

We recommend you to go on the ship deck at dawn; The arrival in Finland is done by outlining the Aland archipelago. Hundreds of islands covered with forests. Breakfast is included in your trip.

0730AM TURKU. Disembark in the second Finnish city with strong Swedish influence. A time for a walk in the center.   Naantali, very picturesque village of wooden houses by the sea. Lots of tourist life. Time for a stroll.   Helsinki. Time for lunch. Afternoon free, you will be able to know this city with, its old market, the Russian influence in its buildings and churches.

NOTE: a boat trip to Suomenlina scheduled on Friday morning can be made at this time according to the routes of the participating passengers.

Transfer by Europamundo coach
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Scandic Grand Marina or similar. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels
Helsinki - Tallinn

TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS: Stage by the sea with beautiful landscapes on the way out of Helsinki.

Leaving the hotel about 0900AM, this morning we include a boat trip (regular line water local transport) to Suomenlinna islands, six islands where we highlight a great fortress that used to protect the sea entry to the city and that has been declared World Heritage - Time to stroll around (we will be able to cross island through its small pedestrian bridges). Our guide will accompany you to the islands and will explain how to use your free time; With your return ticket, you will decide the time you wish to remain in this beautiful archipelago.

Later, we shall board a ferry to Estonia; Ferry trip of around 2h30 duration which departure is expected around 15.30hrs; we suggest to admire the departure from Helsinki and the surrounding islands.

Tallinn - Arrival, disembarkation and accommodation.

Transfer by Ferry and Europamundo coach
Meals Brekfast
Hotel Nordic Forum or similar. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels
Tallinn Sightseeing

TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS: city tour of Tallinn.

0900AM We will participate in a comprehensive tour through the city streets, and admire its walls, churches, squares and mediaeval streets filled with tourist attractions. 

Afternoon at own leisure. Tallinn the capital of Estonia, a country with strong Scandinavian influence and a language similar to Finnish, is a wonderful city, whose medieval centre is still intact. 

Transfer by Europamundo coach
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Nordic Forum or similar. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels
Tallinn (Departure)

After breakfast, end of our services.

Self arrangement to airport or may add in additional service (optional) for hotel-airport transfer.

Transfer (Add on Package Optional)
Meals Breakfast
哥本哈根 (抵达)




Transfer : 机场班车
Hotel : Scandic Sydhavnen或同级。请向我们查询完整酒店列表
哥本哈根 - 欧登塞 - 奥胡斯


早上8点,开始游览丹麦首都。丹麦是北欧最大的城市。广受欢迎的趣伏里公园;克里斯蒂安堡宫;新港运河和小美人雕塑…游览结束于早上于10点30 分。


欧登塞 - 在这个宜人的城市,您可以自由探索和享用午餐,在这里您可以参观其哥特式大教堂和安徒生博物馆。

奥尔胡斯 –自由活动。建议您参观这个美丽的城市,这也是丹麦人口第二多的城市。

Transfer : Europamundo游览车
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : Comwell或同级。请向我们查询完整酒店列表
奥胡斯 - 克里斯蒂安桑 - 弗莱克菲尤尔 - 斯塔万格








Transfer : Europamundo游览车和游船
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : Clarion Energy或同级。请向我们查询完整酒店列表
斯塔万格 - 卑尔根


早上7点30分 斯塔万格–我们将参观记载着维京时代的“岩石之剑”纪念碑,然后继续沿着海岸前往Mortavika,乘船越过了Skunden峡湾,仅需半小时左右。





Transfer : Europamundo游览车和游船
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : Scandic Ornen或同级。请向我们查询完整酒店列表
卑尔根 - 奥斯陆







经过24.5公里的艾于兰隧道,该隧道被认为是世界上最长的隧道之一,并使用创新技术让驾驶员不再单调乏味行驶,然后将到达博尔贡木教堂,这可能是挪威保存最完好的13世纪寺庙。 ,我们将短暂停留欣赏并拍照(包含入门票)。



Transfer : Europamundo游览车
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : Scandic Sjolyst或同级。请向我们查询完整酒店列表
奥斯陆 - 厄勒布魯 - 斯德哥尔摩






Transfer : Europamundo游览车
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : Scandic Talk或同级。请向我们查询完整酒店列表





Transfer : Europamundo游览车
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : Scandic Talk或同级。请向我们查询完整酒店列表
斯德哥尔摩 - 过夜游轮





Transfer : Europamundo游览车和过夜游轮
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 过夜游轮
图尔库 - 楠塔利 - 赫尔辛基




Transfer : Europamundo游览车
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : Scandic Grand Marina或同级。请向我们查询完整酒店列表
赫尔辛基 - 塔林





Transfer : 渡轮和Europamundo游览车
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : Nordic Forum或同级。请向我们查询完整酒店列表




Transfer : Europamundo游览车
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : Nordic Forum或同级。请向我们查询完整酒店列表
塔林 (出发)



Transfer : (机场接送可额外安排)
Meals : 早餐
Print Trip Details
Trip Inclusive
  • 10 nights hotel accommodation: Copenhagen (1N), Aarhus (1N), Stavanger (1N), Bergen (1N), Oslo (1N), Stockholm (2N), Helsinki (1N), & Tallinn (2N)
  • 1 overnight cruise (Stockholm to Turku)
  • Daily buffet breakfast
  • City tour in Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm and Tallinn
  • Boat tour: Sogner Fjord, Suomenlinna islands in Helsinki
  • Ferry: Denmark- Norway, stretches along the fjord coast of Norway, Stockholm Sweden / Turku Finland, Helsinki Finland / Tallinn Estonia
  • Funicular in Mount Floyen
  • English speaking guide and separate driver, travel by air-conditioned coach and ferries
  • Airport transfers are provided on arrival
Trip Exclude
  • International and/or Domestic air ticket
  • Personal Expenses and Travel Insurance
  • Lunches, morning and afternoon tea, boat cruises, visit and entrance fees other than those specified on trip pages.
  • No Compulsary Tipping - If you feel your Tour Guide and Driver has delivered an outstanding level of service throughout your trip you may wish to tip them.
Optional Addon
Transfer on departure to Tallinn airport per way for 2 or 3 person 341.75 -
General Terms
  • Rates quoted based on dynamic pricing and are subject to change without prior notice and/or upon confirmation.
  • Package tour seat are subject to availability.
  • Itinerary may vary slightly depending on group size, group pace and other external factors beyond our control.
  • By booking with us, you are accepted Europamundo’s booking term & conditions, https://www.europamundo.com/eng/terms_use_privacy.aspx
  • No refunds are given for any unused portion of this package or during tour.
  • Full payment is required in order for process booking if booking received less than 50 working days prior to departure. Seats subject to available.
  • 12fly of Malaysian Harmony shall not be liable for any loses or expenses incurred due to delay, sickness, weather, strikes or any other causes beyond its control, such losses and expenses shall be borne by the clients.
  • Others 12fly terms & conditions applies.
Payment Terms
  • Deposit for this package is minimum MYR 2000.00 per person.
Package Remarks
  • General travel period: April until October 2024 - Wednesday only.
  • Single Traveller save by pairing up with a fellow traveller (of the same gender) in a non-smoking, twin room. Pay for a Single Share Room, with no single supplement.
  • Package Tour operated by Europamundo Vacations on seat-in-coach basic. Please log in at www.europamundo.com for up-to-date itinerary.
  • Please ask for prices on extra night accommodation.

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