XC_SYD4N-U 5D4N NEW SOUTH WALES 01 OCT 2024 - 31 MAR 2025

Valid for daily arrival at Sydney.

Share Service/Seat In Coach

2 To Go Ground Package (minimum 2 adults per booking).

Sydney (Arrival)

Arrive Sydney airport, transfer to hotel check in and take rest. After then, free at own leisure.

Australia’s largest, oldest and most famous city is Sydney, located on the east coast of the state of New South Wales. This world class city is home to some of Australia’s biggest icons and is a gateway to incredible natural landscapes. Known as the Harbour City, Sydney’s sparkling Sydney Harbour is the focal point of the city and it’s where you’ll find the world famous Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House. These two architectural feats draw the attention of locals and travellers alike. But they’re not just for pretty pictures; both have an interesting history and fascinating stories to tell.

Sydney has a style all its own. With world famous icons set amongst a dazzling harbour, a dynamic dining scene, beautiful beaches and fantastic shopping, Sydney is an unforgetable place to explore.

Transfer by Con-X-Ion Airport shuttle: Pick-up from designated pick-up zone and location to be advise once booking has been made.
Hotel in Sydney
Sydney - Blue Mountains - Sydney

Blue Mountains Adventure Tour ( tour code SBMS ) | Depart Daily at 7.00am or early for Hotel pick-ups at selected city hotels | Return at 6.00pm approx.

Embark on an unforgettable small group journey with our Blue Mountains Adventure Tour, where we blend iconic Australian wildlife encounters with breathtaking natural scenery. 

  • You will be picked up in air-conditioned comfort from (or very close to) your Sydney CBD hotel and return via a ferry ride on the famous Sydney Harbour to Circular Quay. From here you can easily make your own way back to your accommodation at your own leisure.
  • We firstly stop at the Blue Mountains township of Glenbrook, where you can purchase a coffee and stretch your legs in preparation for the amazing day ahead.
  • A visit to Echo Point is a must and where you’ll witness the iconic Three Sisters rock formation. Learn about the Aboriginal legends surrounding this natural wonder and take in the sweeping vistas of the Jamison Valley. The observation deck at Echo Point offers fantastic photo opportunities, ensuring you capture the essence of the Blue Mountains’ grandeur.
  • We then venture to Scenic World where you’ll experience the thrill of the Scenic Railway, the world’s steepest passenger railway. Glide above the ancient rainforest canopy on the Scenic Skyway and then enjoy panoramic views of the majestic Blue Mountains on the iconic gondola. Three breathtaking magical rides.
  • Next stop is Katoomba Cascades Waterfalls where you can stroll along the boardwalks and viewing platforms, witnessing the mesmerizing cascade of water through the verdant foliage. This tranquil spot is ideal for capturing stunning nature photographs. You can even walk on stepping stones at the bottom of the amazing falling and free flowing water from the cascades.
  • You will stop at the lovely township of Leura where you can walk the tree lined streets and wander into in the iconic boutique shops, and it is also here where you can purchase some lunch.
  • Visit the renowned Sydney Zoo where you will be immersed in the diverse world of Australian animals. Get up close and personal with some of Australia’s most beloved creatures, including feeding kangaroos, and seeing other native Australian animals such as koalas, and wombats and more. Don’t miss out on a FREE digital photo up-close with a koala – a perfect memento to share with friends and family.
  • We conclude our adventure with a serene ferry ride back to Sydney, providing unparalleled views of Sydney Harbour. Sail under the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge and end your tour near the majestic Sydney Opera House. This scenic journey offers the perfect finale to a day filled with natural beauty and Australian wildlife, making it an unforgettable experience. With hotel CBD Sydney pick-up and easy access to find you own way back to your accommodation at your own leisure after the ferry ride, our Blue Mountains adventure stands out as a premier tour option.

Remarks: Tour end at Circular Quay and own arrangement back to hotel.

Transfer by Wine Hop and Coastal coach tour
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Sydney

Whole day at you own to explore Merlin 2 Park Pass Admission - Pass is valid for a single visit at each attraction within 30days, no transfer provided.

Sydney Aquarium - If you are looking for fun and interactive exhibits in Sydney then look no further than our nine interactive zones at SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium. Along the way you'll encounter some of the world's most incredible animals, including the beautiful dugong, huge sharks, massive sawfish, mysterious stingrays, jellyfish, penguins, seahorses, hundreds of tropical fish and much, much more.

Madame Tussauds - Surrounded by your all-time favourite Aussie and Global celebs! Walk the red carpet, strut down the runway, lift a real helicopter with Superman and much more! From Superheroes to Sporting Legends to Icons of the screen we have it all right here. Become part of the story and feel the fame at Madame Tussauds Sydney!

MATTA FAIR PROMO!! FREE Admission tickets to: Sydney Tower Eye + Australia Maritime Musuem.

Transfer Own arrangement
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Sydney
Sydney - Bondi Beach - Sydney

Half Day Sydney Bondi Beach l Depart Daily at 10.00am for Hotel pick-ups at selected city hotels | Return 2.00pm approx at selected city hotels.

At 10am a vehicle will pick you up from your hotel. Start in the historic The Rocks. Explore the convict-built cottages and pubs. Heading east, make your way to the stunning Botanical Gardens situated right in the heart of Sydney. Driving through Mr Macquarie Street named after the fifth Governor of New South Wales, Lachlan Macquarie, you will see Australia’s first Parliament House, Hyde Park Barracks and St Mary’s Cathedral.

The second stop onto Mrs Macquarie’s Chair situated on the water’s edge, here you will enjoy a walking tour of the magnificent views of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House. Then continue through Woolloomooloo, Kings Cross, with the El Alamein fountains and into Rose Bay for our third stop. It’s here we stop to enjoy an Aussie snack.

Continue on through Watsons Bay for our fourth stop, before traversing along the coastline to Sydney’s most famous beach, Bondi Beach. Here you will have some time for lunch (own expenses).

Enjoy the esplanade with and like the locals and maybe enjoy a coffee before re-boarding our vehicle.

*On request, the guests can remain in Bondi Beach after the tour and at their own expense back to city center/hotel.

Transfer by Ready Steady couch Tour
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Sydney
Sydney (Departure)

After breakfast, at own leisure until time tranfsre to airport for departure flight.

Hotel standard check-out time 1000AM.

Transfer by Con-X-Ion Airport shuttle: Passengers will be collected from the foyer of their hotel and dropped of at a centralised location.
Meals Breakfast




悉尼标准3*酒店: Metro Marlow Hotel / Ibis World Square(或同级)
Furama Darling Harbour(或同级)

Transfer : 由Con-X-Ion 机场接驳车:请在指定的接车区等待,具体接车位置将在预订完成后通知。
Hotel : 悉尼
悉尼 - 蓝山 - 悉尼

蓝山探险之旅,包括风景区、港口渡轮游览、瀑布观光和悉尼动物园,并赠送与考拉近距离的数码照片(团号SBMS)| 每天出发,从早上7:00am或更早从指定市区酒店接送 | 团体约6:00pm解散。


- 您将从悉尼市中心的酒店(或非常靠近的地点)以空调舒适的车接送,结束后通过著名的悉尼港渡轮返回环形码头(Circular Quay)。从这里,您可以轻松地根据自己的时间安排,自由返回住宿地点。
- 首先,我们将在蓝山镇区的Glenbrook城镇中心停留,您可以在这里购买咖啡,舒展身体,为接下来的精彩一天做准备。
- 我们将前往回音谷(Echo Point),这是必游之地,您可以欣赏到标志性的三姐妹岩(Three Sisters)地标。了解有关这一自然奇观的土著传说,并欣赏傑米遜谷(Jamison Valley)的壮丽全景。回音谷的观景台提供了绝佳的拍照机会,确保您能捕捉到蓝山的宏伟风光。
- 接下来,我们前往风景区Scenic World,您将体验到世界上最陡峭的乘客铁路—景区铁路(Scenic Railway)的刺激。您可以在景区空中索道(Scenic Skyway)上俯瞰古老的雨林冠层,然后乘坐标志性的缆车享受蓝山的全景。这三项惊险刺激的游乐项目将让您大开眼界。
- 随后,我们将停在卡通巴瀑布(Katoomba Cascades Waterfalls),您可以沿着木栈道和观景平台漫步,欣赏水流穿过葱郁树叶的迷人景象。这一宁静的地方非常适合拍摄自然风光的美丽照片。您甚至可以在瀑布底部的石头上行走,感受水流的清凉。
- 我们还会到达迷人的Leura镇,您可以在树荫下的街道上散步,逛逛标志性的精品店,同时也可以在这里购买午餐。
- 之后,前往著名的悉尼动物园,沉浸在多样的澳大利亚动物世界中。与澳大利亚最受欢迎的动物亲密接触,包括喂食袋鼠,观察考拉、袋熊等本土动物。别忘了领取一张与考拉的免费数码照片——这是送给朋友和家人的完美纪念品。
- 我们将以宁静的渡轮之旅结束这次探险,提供无与伦比的悉尼港美景。航行经过标志性的悉尼海港大桥(Sydney Harbour Bridge),最后在雄伟的悉尼歌剧院(Sydney Opera House)附近结束您的行程。这次风景如画的旅程为充满自然美景和澳大利亚野生动物的一天画上完美的句号,让这次经历难以忘怀。凭借市中心酒店接送服务和在渡轮结束后的自由返回方式,我们的蓝山探险之旅是首选的优质游览选项。

注意:团队将在环形码头(Circular Quay)解散,你可以自由行或自理返回酒店。

Transfer : 由Wine Hop and Coastal coach tour
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 悉尼

全天自由探索,默林2个主题通行证 - 通行证在30天内有效,每个景点仅限一次访问,不提供接送服务。

悉尼水族馆(Sydney Aquarium) - 如果您在悉尼寻找有趣和互动的展览,SEA LIFE悉尼水族馆的九大互动区域将是您的不二选择。在这里,您将遇见世界上一些最令人惊叹的动物,包括美丽的海牛、巨大的鲨鱼、巨型锯鱼、神秘的黄貂鱼、水母、企鹅、海马、数百种热带鱼等等。

杜莎夫人蜡像馆(Madame Tussauds) - 与您最喜爱的澳大利亚及全球名人亲密接触!走红地毯,展示风采,和超人一起抬起真实的直升机,还有更多精彩活动!从超级英雄到体育传奇,再到银幕偶像,我们这里应有尽有。在悉尼杜莎夫人蜡像馆,成为故事的一部分,感受明星的光芒!

MATTA FAIR 促销!!免费悉尼塔眼(Sydney Tower Eye)- 悉尼塔眼提供无与伦比的360度全景,是观赏悉尼众多标志性和隐秘景点以及观赏日落的绝佳地点。

Transfer : 自理
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 悉尼
悉尼 - 邦迪海滩 - 悉尼

半天悉尼邦迪海滩游 l 每天出发,从早上10:00am或更早从指定市区酒店接送 | 约2:00pm返回指定的市区酒店。

早上10点,从您的酒店接您出发。首先在历史悠久的The Rocks区开始游览,探索那些由罪犯建造的小屋和酒吧。接着前往东部,抵达位于悉尼市中心的壮丽植物园。沿着以新南威尔士第五任总督拉克伦·麦夸里(Lachlan Macquarie)命名的麦夸里街(Mr Macquarie Street)驱车,您将看到澳大利亚首座国会大厦、海德公园兵营(Hyde Park Barracks)和圣玛丽大教堂(St Mary’s Cathedral)。

第二站是位于港湾区的麦考利夫人椅子(Mrs Macquarie’s Chair),在这里您将享受一次步行游览,欣赏悉尼港湾大桥和悉尼歌剧院的壮丽景色。然后,继续穿过伍卢穆卢(Woolloomooloo)、国王十字(Kings Cross),欣赏艾尔阿莱曼喷泉(El Alamein fountains),最后到达玫瑰湾(Rose Bay)进行我们的第三站。在这里,我们停下来享用澳式小吃。

接着,我们将前往屈臣氏湾(Watsons Bay)进行我们的第四站,然后沿着海岸线前往悉尼最著名的海滩—邦代海滩(Bondi Beach)。在这里,您将有一些时间享用午餐(午餐自费)。



Transfer : 由Ready Steady couch Tour
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 悉尼



Transfer : 由Con-X-Ion 机场接驳车:请在指定的接车区等待,具体接车位置将在预订完成后通知。
Meals : 早餐
Print Trip Details
Trip Inclusive
  • 4 nights accommodation in Sydney
  • Daily breakfast
  • Full day Blue Mountains Adventure Tour by Wine Hop and Coastal Tour (7am-6pm)
  • Half Day Sydney Bondi Beach Tour by Ready Steady Tour
  • Merlin 2 Park Pass Admission - Sydney Aquarium & Madame Tussauds
  • Round Trip Sydney Airport - CBD Hotel Transfer by Shuttle Bus
Trip Exclude
  • International and/or Domestic air ticket
  • Personal Expenses, Travel Insurance and ETA application/service fees
  • Lunches, dinners, morning and afternoon tea, boat cruises unless specified.
Trip Mandatory
Agent Collection Fee 30.00 30.00
Optional Addon
Add on Full Day Hunter Valley Scenic Wine Tour (BHVC) Per Person 653.90 -
General Terms
  • Rates quoted are subject to change without prior notice and/or upon hotel confirmation. This may be due to any special event and any immediate room surcharges implied by the hotel.
  • Hotel rooms and Day tours are subject to availability.
  • No refunds are given for any unused portion of this package or during tour.
  • The itinerary is for reference only and visiting sequence may be different, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirements.
  • An infant is not charged; hence no seat / no bed is allocated to infants. Child rate applies if a seat is required for airport transfer and tours. Additional rate applies for hotel baby cot request.
  • No bookings are accepted less than 30 working days prior to departure, due to require sufficient working days to apply australia tourist visa.
  • 12fly of Malaysian Harmony shall not be liable for any loses or expenses incurred due to delay, sickness, weather, strikes or any other causes beyond its control, such losses and expenses shall be borne by the clients.
  • Others 12fly terms & conditions applies.
Payment Terms
  • Deposit for this package is minimum MYR 500.00 per person.
Package Remarks
  • General travel period: October 2024 until March 2025 (Travel must be completed by 31 March 2025).
  • Black-out Date and Hotel Surcharge for 24-25 Dec 2024, 31 Dec - 01 Jan 2025, 25 Apr 2025, other Special Event or Date to be advise. Hotel Room rate is strictly subject to change.
  • Sequence of tours at your preferable visit date.
  • Day Tour : Not every Day Tours coach pick up at every point/city hotels, therefore passenger/s have to make their own way to the designated pick up point/departure point.
  • Day Tour : Pick up / Drop off are at Day Tour Company discretion. Details and contacts will be provide once booking has been made and confirm.
  • Day tour conducted by local Day Tour operator on seat-in-coach basic. Please log-in respective day tour company website for up-to-date itinerary.
  • Must call local day tour company to re-confirm your day tour/s pick-up time and venue 24-48 hrs prior to departure, quoting the confirmation/reservation number.
  • Please get ready out-front of hotel/designated pick-up point 10 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time.
  • If your coach has not arrived in 10 minutes after your scheduled pick-up time please make contact with local day tour company.

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