5天4夜 墨尔本&大洋路
ET_MEL4NATP 5D4N VICTORIA 01 APR 2024 - 31 MAR 2025

Valid for daily arrival at Melbourne.

Share Service/Seat In Coach

2 To Go Ground Package (minimum 2 adults per booking).

STAY4PAY3- Hotel offer stay 4 nights & pay 3 nights. Not valid on peak season/high season (surcharge apply) and minimum night stay require.

Melbourne (Arrival)

Arrive Melbourne Tullamarine airport. Self arrangement to hotel or may add in additional service (optional) for airport transfer.

Hotel standard check-in time 1400PM. At own leisure.

Most visitors base themselves in the city centre, the buzzing commercial heart of Melbourne that's also home to museums, theatres, restaurants, bars and shops. Travel within the central area of Melbourne by tram is free (Free Tram Zone).

NOTE: SIC Airport transfer: Child 0-7yrs not accepted on shuttle transfer due to Child seat policy. 

Transfer by Airport shuttle (optional): Pick-up from designated pick-up zone and location to be advised once booking has been made.
Hotel in Melbourne
Melbourne City

Today excursion tour

Lanes and Arcades Walk ( tour code L&A NOL ) | Departs Monday to Saturday at 10am OR 2pm | Departure Point: Meeting point at Federation Square - near Time Out Cafe  | Duration: 3 hours

As the Original Laneways walk of the Central City of Melbourne, this is the tour to really discover the inner heart of Melbourne. Discover local designers and specialty retailers, that often are only found in the city. We showcase some of the laneways you may have heard about, but also many you may not know so well. A walk in the city is not complete with out a wonderful drink stop, at a local chocolate salon. This is a tour with a few added indulgences.  A little history, and attention to amazing architecture will inspire locals and visitors alike. See many of Melbourne's amazing local businesses and return to those you like best, make a day of it in Marvelous Melbourne! Tour conducted in English.

A great introduction or insight.


  • City map with local offers and tour itinerary
  • Trained local city tour guide.
  • Chocolate tasting
  • Seated drink stop and drink choice.
  • Group size is kept small - minimum 2 to generally max 8.

NOTE: Lanes & Arcades Walk not available on every Sunday and 01/Apr, 25/Apr, 10/Jun & 27/Sep.

REMARK: You had an option to change this walking tour to Full day Phillip Island Tour - Please refer Optional Addon for the top up

Phillip Island Penguin Tour ( 
tour code PI-B ) | Departs Daily at 1145am | Departure Point : Central meeting point for this tour will be the Immigration Museum (east-side), selected hotel pick-up. | Returns 2145pm.

Inclusions: Penguin Parade general viewing entry, Admission into Koala Conservation Reserve, World-class wildlife encounter up close, Hosted by an experienced driver guide, Modern air-conditioned coach travel, Comprehensive local tour commentary, Selected Melbourne inner-city pick-up/drop-off points.

Hotel in Melbourne
Melbourne - Great Ocean Road - Melbourne

Excursion tour for today as follow:

Reverse Great Ocean Road Tour ( tour code GORR-S ) | Departs Daily at 0735am from Immigration Museum (east-side), 400 Flinders St corner of Market St | Returns 8:30pm (approximately) | Select inner-city pick-up and drop off points.

Included: National Park entry fees, Light picnic-style lunch, Australian wildlife sightings, Guided walks (~2-3km), Onboard WiFi available, Hosted by an experienced driver guide, Modern air-conditioned coach travel, Comprehensive local tour commentary

The Reverse Great Ocean Road Tour enables our guests to experience the National Heritage listed Great Ocean Road in all it’s glory without the crowds. By operating this tour in reverse we avoid all the normal tourist masses that visit the 12 Apostles, giving our guests a better opportunity to capture that picture perfect photograph without crowded lookouts. This Great Ocean Road reverse tour itinerary will visit all the same key destinations, so rest assured you won’t miss a thing.

Highlights of this tour:

  • Experience the spectacular 12 Apostles shipwreck coast without the crowds
  • Visit the pristine beach of Loch Ard Gorge in the glory of a mid-morning sun
  • Discover Mutton Bird Island & Razorback lookout’s amazing views
  • Search for Australian wildlife in its natural habitat
  • Enjoy a guided walk through an ancient rainforest at Great Otway National Park
  • Drive along the world-famous National Heritage-Listed Great Ocean Road
  • Eco-conscious sustainable touring experience

NOTE: 1L refillable water bottle, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, comfortable shoes that are non-slip and good for walking, all-weather clothing and warm jumper or windproof jacket for the evening, small day pack 5-7kg, money for snack and meals, camera to capture every moment!

Transfer by Autopia mini-coach
Meals Lunch
Hotel in Melbourne

Whole day at own leisure.

Suggest you to see Melbourne from a different perspective from the Eureka Skydeck 88 - is located adjacent to the Yarra River in the heart of Southgate precinct. Boasting the highest public vantage point in the Southern Hemisphere, Eureka Skydeck 88 offers unparalleled views of Melbourne and sourrounding regions.

*Addon Full Day Melbourne Snow Tour ( tour code LM-B) | Departs Daily ( Jun to Sep snow dependent ) at 8am from Immigration Museum (east-side), 400 Flinders St corner of Market St | Returns 5:30pm (approximately) | Select inner-city pick-up and drop off points.

Tour highlights

  • Best snow tour from Melbourne fun for the whole family
  • Lake Mountain Snow Resort is located only 90 minutes from Melbourne
  • Fantastic ski facilities including cafe, amenities, ski equipment rentals
  • Enjoy 3 hours of snow play and extraordinary alpine views
  • Time to arrange a ski lesson or venture down one of the toboggan slopes
  • Visit Marysville township and take a short nature walk to the base of Steavenson Falls
  • Scenic drive through the Yarra Valley, one of the world’s premier wine-growing regions.
  • Cruise home via the Yarra Valley Chocolaterie and Ice Creamery
Hotel in Melbourne
Melbourne (Departure)

Hotel standard check out time 1000AM.

Self arrangement to airport or may add in additional service (optional) for hotel-airport transfer.

Transfer by Airport shuttle (optional): Departures To International or Domestic Terminals: Passengers will be collected from the foyer of their hotel and dropped of at a centralised location.
墨尔本 (抵达)


酒店标准入住时间为下午 1400 点。 自由活动。

大多数游客都住在市中心,这是墨尔本繁华的商业中心,也是博物馆、剧院、餐馆、酒吧和商店的所在地。 乘坐电车在墨尔本中心区内旅行是免费的(免费电车区)。

Transfer : 机场班车(自费):从指定的接客区接客,地点将在预订后告知。
Hotel : 墨尔本酒店


墨尔本街区艺术文化步行导览之旅(旅游代码 L&A NOL)| 周一至周六上午 10 点 下午 2 点出发 | 出发点:联邦广场的集合点 - Time Out Cafe 附近 | 游览时间:3 小时

作为墨尔本中心城市的原始巷道步行,这是真正探索墨尔本市中心的旅游。 发现当地的设计师和专卖店,通常只有在城市中才能找到。 我们展示了一些您可能听说过的巷道,但也展示了很多您可能不太了解的巷道。 如果没有在当地的巧克力沙龙喝一杯,那么在城市中散步是不完整的。 这是一次额外放纵的旅行。 一点历史和对令人惊叹的建筑的关注将激发当地人和游客的灵感。 参观墨尔本许多令人惊叹的本地企业,回到您最喜欢的企业,在奇妙的墨尔本度过愉快的一天! 游览以英语进行。


  • 包含当地优惠和旅游行程的城市地图
  • 训练有素的当地城市导游。
  • 巧克力品尝
  • 坐着喝饮料,选择饮料。
  • 团体规模保持较小 - 最少 2 人到通常最多 8 人。

注意:每周日、4 月 7 日至 10 日、4 月 25 日、10 月 2 日、12 月 25 日至 1 月 3 日、1 月 26 日、3 月 11 日和 3 月 29 日至 31 日期间,Lanes & Arcades Walk 不开放。

备注:您也可以选择将此徒步旅行更改为菲利普岛全日游 - 请参阅可选附加旅程价钱。

企鹅归巢和考拉亮点(旅游代码 PI-B)| 每天上午 11:45(4 月至 9 月)/下午 1:45(10 月至 3 月)出发(12 月 25 日和 1 月 1 日除外)| 出发点:这次旅行的中央集合点将是移民博物馆(东侧),选定的酒店接客。 | 晚上 10:00(4 月至 9 月)/00:00am(10 月至 3 月)返回。


  • 企鹅归巢一般观赏入口
  • 进入考拉保护区
  • 近距离接触世界级野生动物
  • 经验丰富的司机导游
Hotel : 墨尔本酒店
墨尔本 - 大洋路 - 墨尔本


大洋路倒着玩之旅(旅游代码 GORR-S)| 每天早上 7 点 35 分(12 月 25 日和 1 月 1 日除外)从位于 400 Flinders St corner of Market St 的移民博物馆(东侧)出发 | 晚上 8:30(大约)返回 | 选择市内接送点。


  • 国家公园门票
  • 简单的野餐式午餐
  • 澳大利亚野生动物目击,在野外!
  • 加水站
  • 经验丰富的司机导游
  • 空调迷你巴士旅行
  • 综合游览解说

反向大洋路之旅使我们的客人能够在没有人群的情况下细细品味每个行程。 倒车穿过这次旅行,我们避开了所有参观 12 使徒岩的游客,让我们的客人有更好的机会拍摄完美的照片,而无需拥挤的瞭望台。 这个大洋路反向旅游行程将访问所有相同的主要目的地,所以请放心,您不会错过任何东西。


  • 在没有拥挤人群的情况下体验壮观的 12 门徒石海岸
  • 在正午的阳光下参观阿德峡谷的原始海滩
  • 探索 Mutton Bird Island 和 Razorback 观景台的壮丽景色
  • 在自然栖息地寻找澳大利亚野生动物
  • 在大奥特威国家公园享受带导游的徒步旅行穿越古老雨林的乐趣
  • 沿着世界著名的列入国家遗产名录的大洋路行驶
  • 具有生态意识的可持续旅游体验

注意:1 升可再装水瓶、防晒霜、帽子、太阳镜、舒适的防滑鞋和适合步行的鞋子、全天候服装和晚上穿的保暖套头衫或防风夹克、5-7 公斤的小背包、零食和现金,相机捕捉每一刻!

Transfer : 乘搭 Autopia 小型旅车
Meals : 午餐
Hotel : 墨尔本酒店


建议您从 Eureka Skydeck 88 从不同的角度看墨尔本 - 位于 Southgate 区中心,毗邻亚拉河。 Eureka Skydeck 88 拥有南半球最高的公共观景台,可欣赏到墨尔本和周边地区无与伦比的美景。

*附加全日墨尔本雪地之旅(旅游代码 LM-B)| 每天早上 8 点(10Jun23 至 03Sep23 雪情)从移民博物馆(东侧)出发,400 Flinders St corner of Market St | 下午 5:30(大约)返回 | 选择市内接送点。


  • 墨尔本最适合全家的雪地之旅
  • Lake Mountain Snow Resort距墨尔本仅90分钟车程
  • 一流的滑雪设施,包括咖啡厅、便利设施、滑雪设备租赁
  • 享受 3 小时的雪上游戏和非凡的高山美景
  • 是时候安排滑雪课程或冒险滑下其中一个雪橇斜坡了
  • 参观马里斯维尔镇并在大自然中漫步至史蒂文森瀑布底部
  • 驱车穿越世界顶级葡萄酒产区之一雅拉谷,风景如画。
  • 途经
  • 亚拉谷巧克力和冰激凌工厂回家
Hotel : 墨尔本酒店
墨尔本 (出境)

酒店标准退房时间为上午 1000 点。


Transfer : 乘坐机场班车(自费): 出发前往国际或国内航站楼:乘客将从他们酒店的门厅被接送,并在指定地点下车。
Print Trip Details
Trip Inclusive
  • 4 nights accommodation in Melbourne and selected hotel included Daily Breakfast
  • Full day Reverse Great Ocean Road Tour with Light Picnic Lunch
  • Morning or Afternoon 3hrs Lanes and Arcades Walk Tour
Trip Exclude
  • Airport - Hotel transfer
  • International and/or Domestic air ticket
  • Personal Expenses, Travel Insurance and ETA application/service fees
  • All meals, morning and afternoon tea, boat cruises unless specified.
Trip Mandatory
Agent Collection fee 30.00 30.00
Optional Addon
Round Trip Tullamarine Airport - CBD Hotel Transfer by Shuttle Bus Per Person | Child age 9-12yrs 229.60 119.80
Add on Full Day Penguin Parade & Koala Highlights (PI-B) Per Person 461.75 361.10
Top up to change Lanes & Arcades Walk Tour To Penguin Parade & Koala Highlights (PI-B) Per Person 91.50 -
Add on Full Day Melbourne Snow Tour (LM-B) Per Person 470.90 370.25
Add Travelodge Docklands Full Breakfast x 4 - Per Person 376.00 376.00
General Terms
  • Rates quoted are subject to change without prior notice and/or upon hotel confirmation. This may be due to any special event and any immediate room surcharges implied by the hotel.
  • Hotel rooms and Tours are subject to availability.
  • No refunds are given for any unused portion of this package or during tour.
  • The itinerary is for reference only and visiting sequence may be different, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirements.
  • No bookings are accepted less than 30 working days prior to departure, due to require sufficient working days to apply australia tourist visa (ETA).
  • 12fly of Malaysian Harmony shall not be liable for any loses or expenses incurred due to delay, sickness, weather, strikes or any other causes beyond its control, such losses and expenses shall be borne by the clients.
  • Others 12fly terms & conditions applies.
Payment Terms
  • Deposit for this package is minimum MYR 500.00 per person.
Package Remarks
  • General travel period: April 2024 until March 2025 (Travel must be completed by 31 March 2025).
  • Sequence of tours at your preferable visit date (subject to availability)
  • Day tour conducted by Autopia on seat-in-coach basic. Please log in at www.autopiatours.com.au for up-to-date itinerary. Operator reserves the right to cancel tour IF don't have sufficient numbers of traveller.
  • Day Tour : Not every Day Tours coach pick up at every point/city hotels, therefore passenger/s have to make their own way to the designated pick up point/departure point.
  • Day Tour : Pick up / Drop off are at Day Tour Company discretion. Details and contacts will be provide once booking has been made and confirm.
  • If your coach has not arrived in 10 minutes after your scheduled pick-up time please make contact with Autopia.

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