6天5夜 南部基督城&库克山&皇后镇

Be charmed by magnificent vistas and majestic snow-capped mountains dotted with turquoise lakes under the world’s darkest skies. This is a great introduction to some of the most spectacular landscapes New Zealand has to offer.

Christchurch (Arrival)

Arrive Christchurch airport, collect your rental car at the airport and drive to your hotel.

Hotel check in time 1400pm. The remainder of the day is at leisure for you to explore. Christchurch, New Zealand is interwoven by two rivers linking parks, gardens and avenues. Bordered by the Port Hills and the Pacific Ocean, it is situated on the Canterbury Plains with the Southern Alps as a majestic backdrop.

Enjoy admission to the International Antarctic Centre today for an icy insight into this astounding continent.
See, touch, feel and fall in love with Antarctica at the International Antarctic Centre where a slice of this astounding continent can be experienced. Brave an Antarctic storm, go off-road in a Hägglund Antarctic vehicle ride, befriend a husky sled dog and mingle with the little blue penguins. Experience Antarctica from all four dimensions and leave with a head full of knowledge and a heart full of love and inspiration. Just like the explorers before you.

Optional/Add on Activities: Christchurch Tram Dinner.

Hotel Scenic Hotel Cotswold or similar
Christchurch - Tekapo/Mt Cook (230km/330km)

Experience the beauty and grandeur of the Southern Alps to Mount Cook.

Leaving Christchurch in the morning, travel through the fertile farmland of the Canterbury Plains to the shores of the stunning, glacier-fed Lake Tekapo, where you can view the solitary Church of the Good Shepherd takes pride of place against the backdrop of a vivid blue glacier-fed lake. 

The road to Mt Cook takes you through high country tussock to beautiful Lake Pukaki. You’ll hug the edge of the lake for most of the way up the Tasman Valley to Mount Cook Village. The Aoraki Mount Cook National Park includes the highest peak in Australasia (Mt Cook - 3755m).

Tasman Glacier Boat Trip (extra activity) - Depart Mount Cook Village on a bus trip to Tasman Valley followed by a 25 minute alpine walk to board a boat tour like no other. Surrounded by snow-capped alps, you will be expertly guided thru the ice age as you view the gigantic Tasman Glacier Ice wall. The only tour of its kind in New Zealand and one of the only accessible glacial lakes containing icebergs in the world.

Dark Sky Experience at Lake Tekapo & Aoraki Mt Cook - Get ready to embark on a journey 13.8 billion years in the making. A treat for the senses, the Dark Sky Experience brings science, Māori heritage and fascinating multi-media installations together in a ‘Big Bang’ of awe and inspiration. With scheduled 45 minute tour departures, this is a thought-provoking, educational and entertaining indoor experience suitable for all ages.

Optional/Add on Activities: Glacier Explorer

Hotel Tekapo Or Mt Cook : The Godley Hotel or similar class
Tekapo/Mt Cook (255km/265km) - Queenstown

Embrace the dramatic vast landscape of a rugged land of ice and rock that showcases multiple giant peaks including New Zealand's highest mountain. 

Your trip to Queenstown begins with the beautiful Lindis Pass – just magic when there’s snow around. The vineyards of the Gibbston area and bungy jumpers at the Kawarau River Bridge are other interesting distractions.

Quenstown Hotel standard check in time 1400pm.

Queenstown offers year-round experiences, utilising its heart-stopping surroundings to the maximum. Whether heading to the mountains during the winter, or basking in the sun and enjoying the lakes and rivers during the warmer months, Queenstown has a long list of activities for you.

Thing to do in Queenstown:-

  • Mountain activities – With four different ski fields, there’s plenty of snow to go around in the winter. In the summer, take on the mountains by foot or bike using the well marked trails.
  • Lakes and rivers – take your pick when it comes to the water, with fishing, wakeboarding, waterskiing, parasailing, rafting and kayaking all available.
  • Adventure capital – Skydiving, bungy jumping, canyon swinging, jetboating, ziplining and luging offer you an adrenaline overload.
  • Cycling – Whether it's on the road or off the beaten track, take a guided or self-guided ride through a range of different terrains (or perhaps out to a local vineyard for a well-deserved glass of wine).
  • Short walks – By day or night, there are a number of short walks. The Atley Track takes you past historic gold mining features, whilst tracks in Bob’s Cove take you to beaches and fishing areas also.
  • Arrowtown – Take a short trip to Arrowtown, where visitors can walk down the cobbled main street. You can shop at the boutiques stores, studios or visit and dine at, award winning restaurants.
Hotel Heartland Hotel Queenstown or similar

Whole day free at own leisure.

Queenstown sits on the shore of crystal clear Lake Wakatipu among dramatic alpine ranges; it’s rumoured that gold prospectors - captivated by the majestic beauty of the surrounding mountains and rivers - gave this now cosmopolitan town its name. With a smorgasbord of outdoor activities, Queenstown is the home of the ultimate adventure bucket list. If hardcore adventure isn't your thing, there are plenty of mellow options available. Experience one of the many sightseeing tours or indulge yourself with spa treatments, boutique shopping and excellent food and wine.

Shotover Jet, Queenstown (extra activity): Get ready for the World's most exciting Jet Boat ride! No visit to Queenstown is complete without ‘Catching the Canyons’ with award winning Shotover Jet, ‘the World’s most exciting Jet Boat ride’ and the only company permitted to operate in the spectacular Shotover River Canyons. Since 1970 over 2 million passengers have been thrilled by the unique Shotover Jet experience.
Open: 8am – 6pm
Duration: in the water 25 mins

Hotel Heartland Hotel Queenstown or similar
Queenstown - Milford Sound - Queenstown (287km each way)

Milford Sound Scenic Cruise, Milford: Take an unforgettable journey into the heart of Milford Sound, New Zealand's most famous tourist destination. Enter the Eglinton Valley and travel through the breath taking man made Homer Tunnel to reach Milford Sound. You'll experience the world-famous fiord in all its natural glory – surrounded by dense rainforest, glacier-carved valleys and beautiful waterfalls. Enjoy a cruise on this world famous fiord, dominated by Mitre Peak and the cascading Bowen Falls.

  • Departs: 1.00pm - 2.40pm (subject to change)
  • Duration: 1hr 40mins
  • Departure Point: Milford Sound Visitor Terminal

Drive yourself to Milford: Milford Sound is around 4-5 hours (one-way) from Queenstown. Also, leave plenty of time to stop at the many scenic trails and lookouts along the way. Make sure you fill your vehicle with petrol in Te Anau before travelling to Milford (there are no petrol stations at Milford Sound or en route). There are free and paid car parking options at Milford Sound.

Hotel Heartland Hotel Queenstown or similar
Queenstown (Departure)

Your arrangements conclude today. Hotel check out time 1000am.

Your rental car should be dropped off at the airport, by the same time as it was picked up on Day 1, to avoid any additional charges. Reantal car 'days' are based on a 24hrs-hire.

基督城 (抵达)


酒店入住时间 1400pm。 剩下的时间您可以自由探索。 有“花园城市”之称的基督城是新西兰第三大城市,南岛的最大城市,始建于150 年前,城市中到处都是规划整齐的花园。由于早期的移民多数是英国人,市区历史性的建筑都具有英国维多利亚时代的特色。英国人也以“英国之外,最像英国的城市”给了基督城一个崭新的定义。


在这里,您将亲身体验到南极的四季变化,接受南极风暴的挑战,对科考人员在南极的生活有进一步的了解,参观新西兰在南极的考察站-斯考特基地,近距与生活在这里的小蓝企鹅家族亲密接触!不仅如此,您还可以乘坐刺激的哈格隆越野车 – 南极全地形越野车,或在4D影院里踏上一段令人惊叹不已的南极冰雪航行!


Hotel : Scenic Hotel Cotswold 或同级
基督城 - 特卡波/库克山 (230km/330km)



通往库克山的道路将带您穿过高地的草丛,到达美丽的普卡基湖。 从塔斯曼河谷到库克山村的大部分路途中,您都将紧靠湖边。 奥拉基库克山国家公园包括在澳大拉西亚最高峰(库克山 - 3755 米)。

塔斯曼冰川乘船游览(额外活动)——从库克山村出发,乘坐巴士前往塔斯曼山谷,然后步行 25 分钟,登上高山,体验独一无二的乘船游览。 四周环绕着白雪皑皑的阿尔卑斯山,您将在专业导游的带领下穿越冰河时代,同时欣赏巨大的塔斯曼冰川冰墙。 新西兰唯一的此类旅游,也是世界上唯一可进入的包含冰山的冰川湖之一。

特卡波湖和奥拉基库克山的暗夜体验之旅 - 准备好踏上 138 亿年的旅程。 暗夜体验之旅融合现代科学、毛利天文学和美轮美奂的多媒体,为您呈现一场"宇宙大爆炸" 般,充满惊奇与灵感的感观盛宴。 预定 45 分钟的游览出发时间。


Hotel : 特卡波或库克山 : The Godley Hotel 或同级
特卡波/库克山 (255km/265km)- 皇后镇


您的皇后镇之旅从美丽的林迪斯通道开始——周围有雪的时候真是神奇。 吉布斯顿地区的葡萄园和卡瓦劳河大桥的蹦极跳台是其他有趣的消遣。

皇后镇酒店标准入住时间为下午 1400 点。

皇后镇提供全年体验,最大限度地利用其令人心跳加速的环境。 无论是在冬季前往山区,还是在温暖的月份晒太阳、享受湖泊和河流,皇后镇都能为您提供一长串活动。


  • 山地活动——有四个不同的滑雪场,享受周围都是雪的冬天。 夏季,您可以沿着标记清晰的小径步行或骑自行车上山。
  • 湖泊和河流 – 水上活动任您选择,钓鱼、花式滑水、滑水、帆伞运动、漂流和皮划艇应有尽有。
  • 冒险之都——跳伞、蹦极、峡谷荡秋千、喷射快艇、高空滑索和雪橇运动让你肾上腺素飙升。
  • 骑自行车——无论是在路上还是在人迹罕至的地方,都可以在导游的带领下或自助骑行穿越各种不同的地形(或者去当地的葡萄园喝一杯当之无愧的葡萄酒)。
  • 短途步行——无论白天还是晚上,都有许多短途步行。 Atley Track 带您经过历史悠久的金矿开采地,而 Bob’s Cove 的小径也带您前往海滩和钓鱼区。
  • 箭镇 – 前往箭镇短途旅行,游客可以沿着鹅卵石铺成的主要街道漫步。 您可以在精品店、工作室购物,或在屡获殊荣的餐厅用餐。
Hotel : Heartland Hotel Queenstown 或同级



皇后镇 沙特欧瓦河喷射快艇(额外活动):跳上快艇,穿过壮丽而狭窄的峡谷,体验一次独一无二、痛快淋漓的快艇之旅。别忘了抓紧扶手,因为你将体验到皇后镇独家的 360 度刺激大回旋。“敢不敢与沙特欧瓦河快艇公司一起迎接峡谷的挑战?”,作为唯一获准在壮丽的沙特欧瓦河峡谷运营快艇的公司,沙特欧瓦河快艇——“世界上最刺激的喷射快艇之旅”,将让你的旅程加倍精彩。沙特欧瓦河快艇公司将经典的喷射快艇与新西兰人的探险文化相结合,已经成为地道“新西兰”体验的一个典型部分,众多来皇后镇和新西兰度假的游客都将此活动作为一项旅游亮点。

开放时间:上午 8 点至下午 6 点

时间过程: 25 分钟

Hotel : Heartland Hotel Queenstown 或同级
皇后镇 - 米尔福德峡湾 - 皇后镇 (287km each way)


  • 出发:下午 1点 - 2点40分(可调整)
  • 时间过程:1个小时 40分钟
  • 出发港口:米尔福德峡湾码头

自驾前往米尔福德:米尔福德峡湾距离皇后镇约 4-5 小时(单程)。 此外,留出充足的时间在沿途的许多风景优美的小径和瞭望台停留。 确保在前往米尔福德之前在蒂阿瑙为您的车辆加满汽油(米尔福德峡湾或途中没有加油站)。 米尔福德峡湾提供免费和付费停车场选择。

Hotel : Heartland Hotel Queenstown或同级
皇后镇 (出境)

你的安排今天结束。 酒店退房时间为上午 1000 点。

您租来的汽车应在第一天取车的同一时间还车,以免产生任何额外费用。 租车“天数”基于 24 小时租用。

Print Trip Details
Trip Inclusive
  • 5 nights accommodation: Christchurch (1N), Tekapo/Mt Cook Region (1N) & Queenstown (3N)
  • 5 days Rental Car, include: Airport pickup/drop off fees, additional authorised driver, unlimited kilometres and basic daily insurance (with zero or reduced excess liability).
  • Admission: International Antarctic Centre & Dark Sky Experience at Mt Cook (Thu-Mon only)
  • Milford Sound Cruise with lunch
  • Travel Documents
Trip Exclude
  • International and/or Domestic air ticket
  • Personal Expenses, Travel Insurance and ETA application and service fees
  • All meals, morning and afternoon tea unless specified.
  • Rental car petrol/fuel expenses, car parking expenses, infringement tickets, additional insurance (zero excess/waiver, roadsie assistance), security bond, compulsory accessories ( snow chain, baby seats ) and GPS unit.
Trip Mandatory
Agent Collection Fee 30.00 30.00
Optional Addon
5 x Breakfast at Standard hotel 458.00 -
General Terms
  • Rates quoted are subject to change without prior notice and/or upon hotel confirmation. This may be due to any special event and any immediate room surcharges implied by the hotel.
  • Hotel rooms are subject to availability.
  • The itinerary is for reference only and visiting sequence may be different, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirements.
  • No refunds are given for any unused portion of this package or during tour.
  • An infant is not charged; hence no seat / no bed is allocated to infants. Child rate applies if a seat is required for airport transfer. Additional rate applies for hotel baby cot request.
  • No bookings are accepted less than 30 working days prior to departure.
  • 12fly of Malaysian Harmony shall not be liable for any loses or expenses incurred due to delay, sickness, weather, strikes or any other causes beyond its control, such losses and expenses shall be borne by the clients.
  • Others 12fly terms & conditions applies.
Payment Terms
  • Deposit for this package is minimum MYR 1000.00 per person.
Package Remarks
  • General travel period: October 2024 until April 2025 (Travel must be completed by 30 April 2025).
  • All tours can be taken in reverse.
  • Additional nights can be added at any point in the tour.
  • A fee of MYR 160.00 per service per file will be imposed for any amendment made after booking confirmed.
  • Driver's Licence - a valid driver's licence (original copy) for each driver must be provided when collecting the rental car. This licence must be in English. If the licence (original copy) is not in English, a certified International Driver's Licence may be used with the original driver's licence. No copies or non-official documents will be accepted.
  • Credit Card - Only an authorised bank credit card, embossed with the card number and owner's name will be accepted to rent a vehicle. The credit card must be in the name of the principal driver. No other type of card or cash is accepted (eg debit or money cards).
  • All drivers must be 25years old or above to drive a rental car. For some car categories, you may be allowed to drive when aged 21-25yrs however a 'Young Driver Surcharge' and conditions will apply.
  • In most cities, there is a charge for parking (including overnight) and this is not included in the itinerary package. You are responsible to settle payment for all parking charges while in New Zealand.
  • At vehicle collection you will receive a copy of Rental Car's Terms & Conditions of car hire. These include revelent insurance details. Please ensure you read this document carefully.
  • Notice In Winter : All rentals car during May to October must have snow chains ready in the car in case of sudden snowfalls
  • Rates for children are available on application.
  • Surcharges apply on special events. Surcharge will be advise once accommodation is confirm.
  • Please ask for prices on extra night accommodation, extra activities and extra child.

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